Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Buddhi Bahadur Bisworkarma- The martyr of KU andolan

Sameer M Dixit, PhD
Kathmandu University

I never really got to know Mr. Budhi Bahadur Biswokarma very well. Maybe because he was always working at School of Engineering premises while I am normally found at School of Science. Maybe because he was not the type to go roaming around aimlessly and chose to focus on his work instead. Buddhi ji worked as a support staff (S4) in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. A dedicated employee, he served KU diligently for more than ten years. A quiet man, he never demanded anything in return except his basic right- to be part of an association and voice his concerns. And yet, today he is not amongst us. He committed suicide on Wednesday, 27th December because the same administration that he worked for pushed him to his suicide.

I will not pretend to know all the ins and outs of Buddhi ji’s life. In fact what I now know is based on what his close colleagues have told me. From what I have heard, he was no more mentally unstable than anyone under pressure from their bosses, and he certainly wasn’t the type to readily commit suicide. And yet, he did. Buddhi ji hung himself from the ceiling of his rental apartment, alone, with no one to stop him.

Who is responsible for his death? This is a question KU authorities will most likely try to avoid answering. However, it is this question we should be asking them again and again and again. From what I hear, they are already starting a propaganda amongst unknowing public and sponsored media that Buddhi ji was mentally unstable and an introvert and therefore very capable of killing himself. However we all know now, and we have proof, that the Dean of Engineering, Mr. Bhola Thapa had threatened Budhi ji with his job for joining and following KUSA andolan. We know how restless he was after being repeatedly harassed directly and indirectly, not only by Mr. Thapa but also other (as yet unnamed) members of KU administration regarding the andolan. These heartless individuals chose the right victim- Buddhi was quiet by nature and resided far away from his family home (Lamjung). What they probably didn’t realize was that he would end up killing himself. They probably thought that their scaring tactics would result in more frightened employees, leading to reduction in the number of KUSA and KUPA members. When my colleague is forced into suicide, I am not going to just sit down and watch other colleagues do the same as well. I am sure that every KU staff and student, who has a heart will not either.

Amazingly, all print media is very quiet about this whole incident. It’s sad to see that the same media that we supported in their fight to right to free opinion during jana andolan are now helping subdue this right within KU. Kantipur publication has already been approached by our VC, in more than one occasion, to filter out “negative” news related to KU. It appears they have agreed. No news of Buddhi’s death, not a word. Not even as a poor lonely soul who died in a rented apartment in Banepa. With or without media involvement, truth always comes out- Saddam Hussein was hung recently for the crimes he committed long time ago. King Gyanendra is now close to losing his crown. Milosevic committed suicide in jail for crimes he committed years ago. Truth is like your shadow- you cannot shake it.

They say a restless soul never passes on until the culprits that are responsible for its bodily demise are punished. It is our duty that Buddhi’s soul be provided a safe passage to its final destination. Buddhi didn’t die for nothing. He died still supporting a cause he believed in. He didn’t relinquish his KUSA membership- he died a KUSA member. I call upon all responsible individuals not only in KU but also around the country to help KUPA and KUSA bring this incident into the open and to punish the culprits.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” - Fritz Gerlich


Anonymous said...

Dear Sameer Sir,

Thanks for your blog. I am really sorry to know that our beloved Buddhijee has passsed away.

Down with Mandale Suresh Raj !
Down with Mandale Bhola Thapa !
& Down with all other Murderers!


Anonymous said...

बुद्धिजीका हत्याराहरु सुरेश राज र भोला थापामाथि कार्यवाही हुनुपर्छ। बुद्धिजीका वास्तविक हत्याराहरु को-को हुन, छानविन हुनु पर्यो।


Anonymous said...

Hatyara Suresh Raj!
Murdabaad! Murdabaad!

Till murderers like Suersh Raj is in KU, many people will have to die unnatural deaths.

Hatyara Suresh Raj Murdabad

Anonymous said...

Sameer M Dixit's allegation must be investigated seriously and the truth must be brought to light. Our silence in this issue will help them become even worse autocrat.
Whoeven is blamed for this, must be suspended until proven innocent.

Anonymous said...

I am really sad to know about the untimely demise of Mr. Buddhi Biswakarma, who was a synonym of dedication to his responsibilities. He was respected by every student and academic staffs of the department of mechanical engineering as well as other deptartments. It is very hard to believe that such a person can commit suicide. There is difinitely a nasty harassment behind this episode which ended his life. This should be thoroughly investigated, why and how it happened, (even though one can easily say that who is responsible) so that this person won't be able to metamorphosize into a 2nd generation 'dictator' of Kathmandu University.

Anonymous said...

बुद्धिजीका परिवारका भनाईलाई सार्वजनिक गर्नुपर्यो। यदि यो आत्महत्या भोला थापा र सुरेश राजको धम्कीले गर्दा हुन पुगेको हो भने यी मन्डलेहरु माथि हत्याको आरोपमा मुद्दा चलाउनु पर्छ।

बुद्धिजीका जहान र बाल-बच्चाको निवृत्तीभरण र शिक्षा-दिक्षाको जिम्मा काठमाडौँ विश्वविध्यालयले लिनु पर्छ।

मन्डले हत्यारा सुरेश राज मुर्दाबाद! मुर्दाबाद!!

Anonymous said...

हत्यारा सुरेश राजले केयुको पद र पैसाको खोलो बगाएर मिडियालाई किनिसकेको छ। सुरेशराजको दलाली गर्नेहरुलाई सुरेश राजले ठूल-ठुलो पदहरु दिएर आफ्नो बनाईसकेको छ। यो आत्महत्या होईन, सुरेशराजले भोला मार्फत मानसिक, प्रशासनिक दवाव दिएर र अनेकौँ लान्छना लगाएर मर्न बाध्य बनाईएको हत्या हो। सुरेश राज र भोला थापामाथि सुनियोजित हत्याको आरोमा कुपा र कुसाले अदालतमा मुद्दा चलाउनु पर्छ। सुरेश राज र उनका अन्य दलाल, चम्चा, मन्डलेहरु को-को छन यस षडयन्त्रमा, त्यसको पनि छानबिन हुनु पर्छ । सुरेश राज जस्ता हत्याराहरुलाई अब उप-कूलपतीको रुपमा बस्ने कुनै अधिकार छैन ।

हत्यारा सुरेश राज!
कुर्सी छोड!!
हत्यारा भोला!

Anonymous said...

Suresh Raj
Razinama gar.

KU Faculty

Anonymous said...

केयुको शिक्षक र कर्मचारीहरुलाई जागीर बाट हटाउनु पर्छ भन्दै हिँडने लव काफ्लेको के प्रतीकृया छ? शाही सेनाको रछ्यानमा हुर्केर -बढेका लव काफ्लेहरुले मनड्ले र राजवादीहरुको वकालत गर्नु स्वाभाविक हो।

सुरेश राजले जागीर दिने आशमा आफ्ना शिक्षक र केयुका अन्य कर्मचारीलाई हटाउनु पर्छ भन्ने लव काफ्लेले अब त देख्यो होला-कर्मचारीका लागी जागिर बाट हटाउँछु भन्ने धम्की र डर कस्तो हुन्छ भन्ने।

लव काफ्लेहरुले केयुका सबैजना उ जस्तै अरुको जुठो खाने,नोकर बन्ने र दलाली गर्ने हुन्छन भनेर नसोचे राम्रो।

हाम्रा हक-अधिकारका लागी बुद्धिजीको बलिदानले हामीलाई तताईसकेको छ। सुरेश राजको प्रत्येक गुन्डागर्दीको जवाफ हामी उसकै भाषामा दिन सक्छौँ। हामी शालीनता र नैतिकताले बाँधिएर मात्र बसेका हौँ। यदी हाम्रा प्रत्येक साथिहरुलाई यसरी नै आत्महत्या गर्न बाध्य गराईन्छ भने सुरेश राज र उनका प्रत्येक मतियारका विरुद्ध हामी पनि कडा प्रितरोधमा उत्रने छौँ।

मन्डलेहरु होशीयार!

Binod said...

It is sad news.यो त अती नै भयो साथीहरु बीर शहिद अमर रहुन भि सि राजिनामा दे

Prakash Manandhar said...

Can somebody post a photo of late Mr. B R Bishwakarma?

Many previous KU students and faculty must have seen him but not known his name. They will remember how jolly and helpful person he was.

Anonymous said...

Budhi Bahadur Biswokarma jeeko tasveer rakhum na yaso hami ni chinum ko hunuhudo rahecha...

Anonymous said...

Budhi Bahadur Biswokarma jee ko tasveer rakhne ho ki yauta....herum ko hunuhudo raicha.....