Monday, December 17, 2007

Interpreting Suresh Raj's reappointment

If corruption is the name of the game taking place in KU, then Suresh Raj is a dexterous gymnast for whom garnering support of politicians is like doing some calisthenics. If politicians alone are living animals in Nepal, then we can easily claim that it is a necropolis. Politicians of Nepal signifies end, death and termination only. They are like some evil spirit which can neither be exorcised nor can be tamed. Amidst such evils, it is natural that greater evil will surely thrive. So, we have not taken it as a set back that Suresh Raj is going to get appointed for the 4th term.

Enforcers of Suresh Raj is busy now a days launching a propaganda campaign. They are claiming that with reappointment of Suresh Raj, everyone will be silenced; KUPA, this blog and all other detractors. Definitely, this is the height of sophistry Suresh Raj has exercised in recent days. Unable to bear the heat generated by our expressions, which has consistently debunked the saintliness and holiness of Suresh Raj, they are now profligately resorting to propoganda.

But what Suresh Raj and his goons have overlooked is the existing truism. Present day reality clearly indicates that people who thrive in Nepal are ones who are either capable of killing or capable of resorting to corruption. Suresh Raj is capable of doing both. In that sense, selection of VC for KU is nothing more than a vaudeville KU senate members engage in every four years. Suresh Raj provides whatever benefits they demand, and they provide a chair to Suresh Raj to perpetuate.

So, what does it translate for us?

Is it the end of the road for us?

Are we disappointed with reappointment of Suresh Raj?

Hoardes of questions are being heaped on us by goons, mandales, murderers, and bootlickers of Suresh Raj who are in a great reverie now. They, in high spirit, have opined that reappointment of Suresh Raj has debunked the hollowness of our claims. They are going gung ho that we are loosers and we have lost our battle. So, it is imperative that we speak out our side of story.

We have never made VCship of Suresh Raj an issue. We are not concerned about his continuation or reappointment. What we are concerned with is his incarceration, arrest, and sentencing to imprisonment. He has committed a number of crimes in KU in a broad daylight. He has used mandales, local goons and criminals to thrash staffs, teachers and founding members. He has taken help of extremely communal racist elements to defame his logical detractors and critics. He has used corrupt money to bribe every official who matters to stop probe in official harassment triggered suicide of a KU employee. And to top it all, he has even indirectly caused the death of his own daughter for saving his chair. So, in view of such a series of crimes, which Suresh Raj has committed, his reappointment means continuation of a murderer in KU. This is how we have interpreted his continuation.

Definitely, no civil human being can go to bed unless a free roaming murderer is put behind the bar. A murderer is identifed by the society but the political class is claiming helplessness. Political class is claiming that there is no alternative. They are saying that this old rascal has done enough and so let this rascal continue. Some of the politicians are discreetly making claims that Suresh Raj is a Kangressi and present movement in KU is carried out by leftists and so he should be saved. How many times do we need to clarify? We are not activists of any political party. We are not cardholder of politicians for whom dictates of leaders become gospel. We are free thinking individuals who believe in freedom of expression and association. To save a murderer and to continue him, our identity is being blurred and being destroyed. We would have no problem if some reasonable grounds were cited for Suresh Raj's continuation. But, here these bloody politicians are either being hoodwinked or forced to overlook an obvious anomaly in our academia.

It is quite possible that political class might have been given to believe that Suresh Raj has not committed any mistake. They may have been persuaded that it is only the misinterpretation by some grudging faculties who could not get promotion. They are being told that people who have been writing against Suresh Raj themselves have not a clean track record. And it is quite possible that all the people who are agitating in KU are mandales, and criminals. It has been practiced very well by extremely communal, heinous, corrupt Sitaram Adhikary to pass his and his sons weaknesses to others. So, this kind of misguiding by Suresh Raj and Sitaram can not be ruled out.

Then, we have questions;

(i) Did we mobilise Jalan Kumar to go to KU and thrash a founding member?

(ii) Did we mobilise local goons to gherao KU teachers and beat the hell out of Danda Pani Jee?

(iii) Did we mobilise Bhupati Dhakal "Kamal", President of Nepal Teachers' Association to issue press releases condemning high handedness of Suresh Raj. Mr. Dhakal has alread ascertained that Suresh Raj is presiding over in KU with the help of some goons. The president of an apex body of university teachers of Nepal has claimed so.

(iv) Did we mobilise casteist and racist Bhola Thapa and registrar of KU to use casteist remarks to humiliate and snatch the personal dignity of Late Buddhi Bahadur Biswokarma who went to meet them demanding organizational rights?

(v) Did we coerce his spouse to make the statement and implicate KU deans and registrars for harassment triggered suicide of Late Buddhi?

Political leaders, including G.P.Koirala, Pradip Nepal, Mohan Man Sainju and Daman Dhungana need to look into these facts. They need to understand that the smoke in KU is not without fire. And they need to understand very well that within the facade of development in KU, a rot is spreading and Nepal's academia will face irrecoverable damage. This is how we take the reappointment of Suresh Raj. We, therefore, believe that Suresh Raj's reappointment should not be made not for satiating our ego. It is rather for the betterment of academia of Nepal.

No doubt, when murderers are continued everybody is likely to be disappointed. Why only us? Many Nepalis are disappointed with Suresh Raj's appointment. They know that it is not a time to engage in carousal. Had this happened in some other realm, yet people would have objected. But, this is repeated in academia where the murderer of academic values is turned into an academic czar. This indicates that our society, mainly the people at higher echelons, are having a kind of anomie that they are not able to distinguish between white and black, left and right and good and bad. With reappointment of Suresh Raj, our political class has brazenly taken out their misreading, misguidedness and miscalculation out of sarcophagus. Academia is a serious business. A slight stain on someone's character demands eviction and expulsion. To impress moral power on students and subordinates, every teacher needs to be stain-free and without any skeleton in their cupboards. Tainted teachers and administrators can not control highly energetic and passionate youths. When this youth energy is not streamlined, it is highly likely that an institute become synonymous with a den of vice. In that sense, present selectors, if the information is true, has resorted to some kind of burlesque where they have reduced the seriousness of an academia to some kind of mumbo-jumbo. So, a precedent is made and this precedence is what causing a great disappointment to all of us.


Anonymous said...

Hello blogger

Nice piece of information.
KU represents the kind of New Nepal we are heading for. I wouldn't be surprised to see Suresh Raj a life VC of KU.

Such a shameless administration is rarely seen any universities around the world.
People supporting him as a VC are doing for the sake of some undue advantage, and it produces fruits too. Does anyone know whether Sitaram is coming back too?
Poor Bhadraman has to go then, what about that A GOAT HEAD professor?

Anonymous said...

Please reffer todays Nayapatrika. They have explained well about Suresh Raj and Company.