Wright brothers of TU : Wrong brothers of KU
Suresh Raj has constantly written that government institues are bad and private institutes are good. Despite overwhelming presence of Nepalis educated from government institutes he has consistently maintained this posture. Suresh Raj played on certain psychological factor and benefitted from it. Every one of us want to enroll our wards into good school and turn them into good citizen. However, we have a habit to reckon only those things as good which are pricey and difficult to achieve. To show ourselves different from the neighbours and colleagues, we make it a prestige issue to board our wards into expensive schools. And the end result is, we have lost money, we have demoralized our children and helped monsters like Suresh Raj to thrive. Please! Hold on for a second! Don't think that I am spewing venom on privatization. I am not opposing privatization. I am a die hard supporter of privatization. But, I strongly oppose letting Mafias seep into private education system.
It is a bitter reality that in the name of privatization, we have mafias in our education system. From Kindergarten to University, Mafias are calling the shots. They have everything to attract the people. Good hoarding board, big banner, eye catching advertisements and expensive fee to lure the people. And they have a vision also. But this vision relates with their own continuation and official transfer of academic positions to offsprings through nepotism. No doubt people like Suresh Raj wants to earn money continually and become VC or President till death. And his hunger for power is so profound that he will salute every one who demands and writes about his continuation 2013. Definitely, he will even invite such people to Dhulikhel Lodge to have dinner with him over a couple of glasses of beer. But, Suresh Raj does not have any vision in running the university.
As a result, not only teachers but also students are much demoralized in KU. Many of our students are quite capable. Many of them have big dreams to make. From environmental science to computer science, they can go where no one has gone before. They can open up new frontiers of knowledge and they can endow present and future generations with more profound knowledge base. But, they are being restricted. The monster called Sitaram has made a rule that no student can ever get much needed money for their research and project works. If any student goes to Sitaram and talks about their vision, first Sitaram will listen peacefully. After exhausting the student, Sitaram will start recounting his junk papers in now defunct Royal Drugs limited and claims indirectly that most of research works are like that. We do not say that he wrote junk papers, he himself indirectly validates it by dismissing his own past works.. And after entirely exhausting the student with his slow but utterly negative remarks, he will say that KU is a private organization and we have to generate our own money so we do not have money for expensive projects and research. Students in KU wanted to make sensors, real time models, computer leveraged machines, automatic tablet makers, and many more gadgets. They have showcased their design by utilizing whatever cheap materials they got. But they could never go beyond KUPEX. Now, compare this with what students of TU are doing. They are government organization and the students there do not have money to pay their own tuition fees. But, dedication and hardwork of the students are getting recognition and their projects are also being funded.
Whose failure is this? Administratively, the line of duty begins from Supervisor to HOD to Dean and ultimately to Registrar and VC. And the people who control, manupulate and the play around with the money are the deans, registrars and the VC. In a nut shell, KU students are being prevented and being dwarfed by none other than Suresh Raj, Sitaram and Bhadraman. Oh, Bhadrman reminds of an old anecdote in KU. Once some students went to Bhadraman and asked him for releasing some money. Bhadraman said that he did not have money. One of the students got enraged and told Bhadraman on his face that he, as a dean, talked very foolishly and did not appreciate the good idea of the student. Then, Bhadraman proceeded to grab his Mathematical book on Rocket Propulsion on the rack and claimed to the student that he was not foolish. Bhadraman reportedly claimed that he can build a Rocket anytime if he has fund.
In no university, we can see people like Suresh Raj, Sitaram and Bhadraman. Suresh Raj says he has no money. Sitaram exhausts the students and claims that he is better chemist and the Bhadraman claims that he is the rocket scientist. Now, please tell me what will happen to formative young minds when they hear such claims. Frustrated, embittered and demoralized. This is how KU students are being given a second fiddle despite having a great potential, a dream to realize and a vision to become a good scientist, engineer, pharmacist, technologist and so on.
However, this itself is not the end of the earth. We know that in Nepal and our society, there are many spoiler and confidence destroyers. The Wright brothers of TU have shown that we are being hampered by Wrong brothers of KU like Suresh Raj, Sitaram and Bhadraman. So, we have to recognize these people and keep on doing our own works. For those students from TU, who have shown their capability, we all KUites,too, need to do something. But this is not to challenge them, not to compete them but to complement them by developing new technology and opening up new frontiers of knowledge.
"Education is not a preparation for life;
education is life itself."
John Dewey
DO you know buzzgain Pashupati SJB Rana is reelected for 5 years? Look how these monsters have slaves who keep voting again and again the same person despite knowing he cannot do anything. Does this remind you of Girija who is just about to vote Suresh Raj for another term? I heard people are sitting on hunger strike?
You cann't do any thing. I am going to be Associate Professor very soon even without completing PhD degree from NTNU, Norway.
Brijesh Adhikary
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