Thursday, February 21, 2008

Bringing in a Change


"Change" is such a nice word that it is soothing to hear, enthralling to see and rejuvenating to fight. For the sake of "Change," many of us have sacrificed many things in Nepal. Friends have sacrificed lives, jobs, and the so called rapport. While seeking the "change," many of us have behaved as an intoxicated mad man; a mad man, who is ready to sacrifice physical comfort, bear financial losses and invite wrath of goons and mandales. People with vision and principle are like that only. Unlike in KU, the dreamer in US is likely to make it to white house. Yeah, the man, who has scored tenth straight victory over Hilary Clinton in the primaries and caucus to get Democratic nomination, is the one who vouch for "Change."

Barak Obama, with 10th straight victory in primaries and caucus, has set the tone for making a black American a contender for the top job of US. But, incensed by his ever-increasing popularity, rumour mills have become hyperactive and insinuations are being made from his being a "plagiarist" to a "communist." Be it in KU or in US, it appears that people who resist change have made it a habit to resort to name calling game. In KU, racist, communal, nepotist, corrupt and extremely power hungry Suresh Raj has been calling names for every one who has been actively involved in purification of KU. From Dr. Ghanshyam Bhatta to Dr. Sameer Dixit, from Dr. Ramesh Pant to Dr. Ram Prasad, Suresh Raj and his goons have tried silence every one. Sometimes, they have accused the purifiers of practising nepotism and sometimes they have accused the purifiers of using KU as a springboard to gain higher education. 

Suresh Raj, Sitaram, Bhadraman, Pushparaj and hordes of other academic and administrative staffs have looted KU and raped the soul of Nepal's academia mercilessly. They have not only resorted to extreme corruption but also unleashed extreme nepotism such that Suresh Raj himself had to loose his youngest daughter due to high blood pressure. Deputing goons and relatives for thrashing staffs and defaming critics was the main reason why Suresh Raj lost his daughter. Still, Suresh Raj and his coterie is claiming that academic movement in KU is silenced now and "so called" agitators have lost the battle. This is nothing but the height of conceitedness of Suresh Raj. 

The greater loss Suresh Raj has to bear after the KU movement is the loss of "credibility." Till KU movement happened, Nepalis all over the world used to consider Suresh Raj and his team as honest. With KU movement, Nepalis are now wondering about the academic models Nepal needs to have. They are now convinced that without proper regulations introduced through parliament or enshrined in the constitution, our academic institutions will be rife with nepotism and corruption. They are now convinced that within the facade of development, a rot might be setting in. Moreover, they are convinced that giving free hand to so called "managers" can turn these managers into "educational mafia."

Like Barak, every conscious Nepalis have a greater role to essay now. We have to keep on informing people that KU can never be a role model for Nepalis Universities. We need to plead with every one that having VCs like Suresh Raj can brutally kill the essence of academia. For certain ego trips, US is sending troops to Iraq which needs to be called back as suggested by Barak. Similarly, because of ego ride of Suresh Raj, KU has lost its sheen and whatever charm it used to have. Without recalling Suresh Raj, KU can never redeem its lost glory. And this responsibility befalls on every one who is enamoured of change and committed to bring it. 

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