Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Anti-Nepotism Policy

Suresh Raj Sharma and his group in Kathmandu University are now busy defending the charges of Nepotism. Since they can not deny the relations with those relatives, he is busy churning out some untenable defences. It appears that either he does not know what is nepotism or he wants people not to pose inconvenient questions like his other brothers who hate questions on their corruptions. Assuming that Suresh Raj wants to establish an university with equality, fairness and free of politicking, then we challenge him to carve out anti-nepotism policy in Kathmandu University. For kind reference, I have found one such policy being implemented in Purdue University quite relevant.


(Supersedes Executive Memorandum No. C-24, dated January 10, 1992)

To:Vice Presidents, Chancellors, Deans, Directors, and Heads of Schools, Divisions, Departments, and Offices
Re:University Policy Concerning Nepotism

Employment opportunities within the University are not and should not be based upon or influenced by family relationships. Through action of the 1995 General Assembly, statutes no longer prohibit employment of any person related to the President of the University or any member of the Board of Trustees. The University will continue to maintain policies designed to guard against employment relationships from which nepotism or charges of nepotism might arise but with provisions for reasonable exceptions.

It is the policy of Purdue University that no person be employed or continued in employment by the University in any position which places such person under the administrative supervision of another employee to whom such person is related as father, mother, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, husband, wife, son, daughter, niece, nephew, grandparents, or such persons related by marriage. Exceptions may be approved for such employment which would be for the benefit of the University, or serve a useful purpose consistent with the mission of the University.

For purposes of this policy, a person is considered to be under the administrative supervision of his or her immediate supervisor and also of supervisors at higher levels within the organizational lines of the particular department or areas of employment. For example, a faculty member is deemed to be under the supervision of the head of the department in which such faculty member is employed, and also under the supervision of the dean of the school to which the department belongs, the Chancellor (with regard to Regional Campuses), the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, the President of the University, and the Board of Trustees.

Whenever a department head proposes, as an exception to the University policy, to employ a person, or to continue the employment of a person, in a position where he or she is or would be under the administrative supervision of anyone to whom he or she is related in any manner specified in paragraph 1, such supervisor shall prepare a written request for approval of each appointment or continuation. This request shall be submitted to his or her immediate supervisor for review and recommendation, through each higher supervisory level, to the President of the University for appropriate action. Exceptions will only be permitted where there are unique circumstances and there is an advantage to the University or a useful purpose served which is consistent with the mission of the University. Alternative procedures for setting salaries, determining promotions, etc., will be required.

Situations involving Executive Vice Presidents, Chancellors, Vice Presidents, Vice Chancellors or Deans must be approved by the Board of Trustees upon recommendation by the President. The President shall review annually each request involving officers of the University that have been approved by the Board of Trustees. If the circumstances under which the approval was granted have materially changed, he will report the matter with his recommendation to the Board of Trustees.
In addition, nepotism situations originally approved by the President will be reviewed annually by the President.

Situations involving the President or any member of the Board of Trustees must be approved by the Board of Trustees.

This memorandum applies to all present and future employees of Purdue University. Existing approvals remain valid unless circumstances change.

Steven C. Beering

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The anti-nepotism policy posted here should be handed over to TU's official, NC (Girija), and all the other organizations (gvt and non-gvt), and especially to NGOs. The chief of NGO federation should also be given a copy of it. No dispute there.

Getting rid of nepotism at KU too is a good cause. But, the poster of this memo from Purdue U. is being dishonest in his/her treatment of the issue. If we want to be like Purdue, then this person should stand firm and say NO to KUPA and their demands too.

Where on earth Purdue's policy say:
1. everyone should be promoted
2. get same salary regardless of the discipline
3. all fired be reinstated immediately
4. run campus as a political wing of democratic and republican parties

Dr. Bhatta, who is at a US university needs to come clean and speak the truth. By now, he should know that an politically charged organization like KUPA will demolish KU's reputation and its quality. He may argue that KUPA will not be politically motivated. And yes, I can sell you Mt. Everest.

If he got the salary while studying in the US, it should have been his moral obligation to return.

Dr. Bhatta is doing a lot more disservice to the nation by writing these letters by encouraging others to infest KU with inconpetence and politics... All in the name of Sharma's nepotism issue. KUPA will turn into TUPA and end up being a curse on KU's reputation and quality.

Dr. Bhatta is turning into one of those typical NRNs who enjoy all the freedom, quality environment and efficiency of the West, and when it comes to Nepal, writes populist article in Nepali press.