Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Unpopularity amongst the students

Recently, Suresh Raj Sharma has increasingly become restless and losing his sanity because of exposure of his highhandedness in Kathmandu University for last 15 years. Incapable of defending himself, he is resorting to defamation of faculty members and other staffs of Kathmandu University. When some courageous and highly principled faculty members raised questions on his intentions, initially, he tried to dismiss everything. But, after KUPA caught him red-handed in his misdeeds, he started resorting to blatant attack on the fabric of academia. Nowhere in the world, a vice chancellor employs his notorious siblings for attacking respected colleagues nor do any vice-chancellor terminates the services of highly qualified and dedicated teacher like Dr. Borish Niroula. The brazenness with which Suresh Raj asked his younger but more corrupt brother to storm KU premise and instigate him to attack one of the founder professor of KU is greatly regrettable. More regrettable is termination of Dr. Borish Niroula in contravention of the norms and regulations of KU. There is a fixed contract in KU that any faculty who will terminate or will be terminated would have to give notice to KU or to the concerned faculty at least a month before the date of termination. This is what is devised in KU so that both the KU and faculties are not at inconvenient position. However, regarding Dr. Borish Niroula, Dr. Suresh Raj Sharma even went onto breach his own contractual obligations and immediately terminated Dr. Borish Niroula.

The only crime Dr. Niroula seems to have committed in KU is maintaining his uprightness which is not tolerated by the corrupt gang of Suresh Raj in KU. Moreover, notwithstanding his higher qualification, his attachment to the values, his oratorical skills, his splendid performances, Suresh Raj terminated him because Dr. Borish talked about Loktantra, equity, probity, honesty and academic freedom. This termination of Dr. Boris Niroula was in contravention with the basic norms of KU, contractual obligations of KU and this has come as a shattering blow to the morale of every other faculty member who have joined KU thinking that it is an equal opportunity organization. This single instance of the termination of Dr. Niroula is sufficient to prove that both Suresh Raj and Sitaram are managing KU with the tactics of 18th century and nobody, who is not relative of Suresh Raj and Sitaram, can work with dignity in KU. So, nobody should be in doubt that the despotic regime of Suresh Raj and Sitaram has destroyed the budding institute called KU which is alma-mater to a pool of highly talented Nepalis. By his antics, Suresh Raj has taken KU to such a depth that it would take a long time for KU to establish itself as a modern University. No body else is responsible for this mess of KU than Suresh Raj himself.

On the other hand, the whole Nepal has recently noticed what this man Suresh Raj is and how ruthless he has become. The absolute power he was given by the government has absolutely corrupted him and he has turned into an absolutist dictator of KU. Like all other dictators, Suresh Raj is now trying to justify his heinous crime of sacrificing upright faculties by labeling them with different traits. However, while labeling these traits also, Suresh Raj is forgetting that there is something rotten in KU and there are many amongst his sycophants who should be expelled than the dedicated teacher like Dr. Borish Niroula if he employs the same yardstick.

If "Unpopularity amongst the students" has to be the yardstick for firing any teacher, then there is a long list begining from Dr. Pushpa Raj, Prof. Sitaram, Prof. Tuladhar and what to talk about their "Santans." For instance, Prof. Pushpa Raj is one of the cruelest teachers in entire KU who does not desist from meting out corporal punishment to the students. His abusive behavior is legendary amongst the students and the only reason no student ever complains against him is fear of reprisal. Pushpa Raj is neither a good teacher nor a good human being. But still he managed to become professor in KU and even went onto become the dean because he was quite good in licking the boot and that is what counts in Suresh Raj regime in KU. Obviously, had it been somewhere else, Pushpa Raj would have already been fired from the job. Instead of teaching the students, his only job in the classroom is to intimidate, threat and coerce the students incessantly so that he could finish the class of that day without uttering a single word on the subject matter. Moreover, there are many cases when Prof. Pushpa Raj never took the class and even when he took the class his "hangover' coupled with foul breath made the life miserable for the front benchers. This is one of the reason why most of the students prefers to have corner seats or the seats at the backbench. In such situation, what Prof. Adhikary would teach is easy to predict. No need to say one of the worst teacher in the entire history of KU and the most unpopular teacher in the entire history of KU. If Suresh Raj is really honest in using this yardstick of "Unpopularity amongst the students," Pushpa Raj is the first one to be shown the door.

This Adhikary is followed by another Adhikary known as the Sitaram, the close confident and shadowy creature of KU. The only credential Sitaram maintained in becoming professor of KU was his close proximity with Suresh Raj. There are people who claim something fishy between Suresh Raj and Sitaram. However, it is true that what is Sitaram is today in KU academically is becasue of his proximity with Suresh Raj and nothing else. Sitaram would have never thought that he would be professor in his life. With those junk research works he carried out during his days in Royal Drugs Limited, Suresh Raj managed to make this rakami fellow a professor in KU. If anybody wants to know how Sitaram teaches, then you will have to ask the students he taught. First 10 minutes, he will take attendance while chatting informally with the students. The next 10 minutes he would throw light on the importance of attendance record claiming that sometimes these records are useful for tracing someone's whereabouts in police investigations (what a sick mind!), and then the next 10 minutes he will harangue on his responsibilities as a registrar and how he has been able to establish KU with the help of Suresh Raj. Realizing that by now, half of the class hour is finished, he would try to make the students aware that they can not talk like this for entire class hour and so he requests the students to review what they leant in previous class. After 10 minutes like that, Sitaram would again break into informal conversation and start asking the students which teacher is good and which teacher is bad. Yeah, Sitaram takes feedback of the students on other teachers as a registrar in his class instead of teaching his course. What a nice way of avoiding duties as a teacher in the garb of being a registrar ! If you do not believe me ask any KU graduates, they will testify that this is how Sitaram teaches and they are doubly sure of that if they have attended the classes of his son, notorious crown prince of KU, Brijesh. Brijesh being, a chip of an old block, has directly inherited all the cunning tricks of Sitaram and is one of the worst teachers in second generation of KU administrators. Yeah, both the Sitaram and Brijesh are so cunning and scheming that by bragging a lot about their influence in KU structure they ensure that no student would ever dare to raise voice against their teachership in KU. Though the majority of the students know that these two gentlemen are garbage in the name of teachers, yet they are afraid to voice their opinions- reasons; unhindered access of Sitaram and Brijesh in every department and possibility of inviting the wrath of Sitaram and Brijesh. In such situation, it is likely that Suresh Raj would never employ this yardstick of "Unpopularity amongst the students" to throw the Sitaram out of KU because Sitaram has left no proof of his unpopularity in KU as a teacher amongst the students. What to talk about his unpopularity as a registrar ! The whole world knows that the man who has taken KU to such a depth is nobody else but Sitaram. Suresh Raj is not ready to buy that because for him Sitaram is inseparable. God only knows what is between these two thugs. So, no body on this earth should ever expect that this yardstick of "Unpopularity amongst the students" would ever be employed against Sitaram.

Dr. Bhadra Man Tuladhar is not only unpopular amongst the students but also amongst the faculty. You will be surprised if you come to know that he is unpopular teacher for his lone son Daniel Man Tuladhar also. How soon Dr. Tuladhar forgot about what Daniel said during his I.Sc. in valley college. This is a very common anecdote in KU that during those days, Daniel the son of BMT was in search of a good math teacher for some help in his math. When some other faculties confronted him with why did not he learn from BMT, he plainly retorted that BMT does not know how to teach. Since blood is thicker than water, we must take what Daniel had said as wholesome truth and be left in no doubt that BMT the great is the worst teacher in KU. This is testified not only by the thousands of the students but also by his lone son. May be, aware of that remark of Daniel which caused irreparable damage to his reputation, Bhadra Man is now trying to seek revenge by forcing Daniel to be teacher in KU. Though Daniel never wanted to work in KU, BMT forced him to take up this job and for that he destroyed the ethics of "KU Service Commission" also. Now, as everybody is claiming Daniel as bad as Bhadra Man, BMT might be silently rejoicing with his second wife on sorry state of Daniel. What a nice way of seeking revenge for an innocent remark of one's own son. Whatever may be there between the father and son duo, let us look at what Suresh Raj would do with them. Will Suresh Raj ever employ this yardstick of "Unpopularity amongst the students" to throw Bhadra Man and Daniel Man from KU? Never! Suresh Raj can never do that because he is in the list of recipient of the hefty commission BMT generates every month through his direct involvement in procurement. From toilet paper to the venetian blinds, from the floor matt to false ceilings, you need to point out every item that you can see inside a room, you will see that Bhadra Man has benefitted from the procurement of these items. What to talk about those billings in the Exam Section which is footed by the hard-earned money paid by the students. Since Suresh Raj also enjoys the vegetable cutlet, chicken springroll, omllette and the momo that are brought into the Exam Section every afternoon from the restaurants of the relatives of Bel Prasad, he is full of mouth to even utter these words like "Unpopularity amongst the students" against Bhadra Man, his son Daniel Man and his second wife but de-facto controller of Exam.

Less is better for Hanuman Thapa. The main problem with Hanuman seems to be his stammering and inability to cough up right word at the right moment. Moreover, since the Hanuman is busy most of the time doing sewa to neighbourly (Sita)Ram at Thapagaun, he never comes prepared to class room. When he was asked by another Ram (Chandra Poudel ) in his M.E. course to come prepared to class, another Ram (Chandra) had to wash his hands with his job in KU. Hanuman Thapa thinks that as a teacher he can speak and mutter anything in the classroom. He openly claims that it is the duty of the students to study and he is just there to help them. Yeah, really friendly teacher but there were many crooks in KU who were always friendly with the students as they did not know what to teach and how to teach. Sometimes bearing friendly outlook can also avoid being unpopular in classroom. This is proved and established in KU by none other than Hanuman Thapa. Consequently, there are some faculties like Daniel who always praise Hanuman Thapa because Hanuman has provided a device to ward off the criticisms against them. So, it is quite common amongst the students of SOE not to complain against any teacher of SOE because if they have to lodge the complain against any other teacher, then it should be lodged at the office of the Hanuman Thapa and since nobody else is as incompetent as the Hanuman Thapa, it is meaningless to talk about incompetence of other teachers. Moreover, as exemplified in the case of Ram Chandra Poudel, Hanuman Thapa is well aware of his own weaknesses, and therefore, he has always been looking for the weakness of other faculties so that he could counter other faculties whenever they point out his mistakes. Despite these shortcomings, another the most disgusting aspect of Hanuman Thapa is his direct translation of Nepali into English. There are many students who were well educated in "practical english usage" by his mispractice of English in KU. May be an advantage in disguise. Since Hanuman Thapa maintains quite good relation with his boss (sita)Ram, and since Sitaram has real nice relation with Suresh Raj, it would not be an easy job for Suresh Raj to employ this yardstick of "Unpopularity amongst the students" to fire the Hanuman Thapa. Recently, after Suresh Raj has come under direct media attack, Hanuman has avowed that he would not remain calm until he decimate everybody who calls Suresh Raj a "mandale." Suresh Raj knows very well that in such tumultuous times of Nepal, he needs his own army and nobody else fits the bill better than the Hanuman Thapa. So, this yardstick of "Unpopularity amongst the students" is a ploy to attack the sons of Nepalis who are upright and refuse to be recruited as bootlicker, sycophants and Hanuman of Suresh Raj.

What Brijesh did in KU was never done by anybody else in KU. Brijesh was incompetent in KU for the entire one year and he was never able to muster enough courage to face the students. Since he never faced the students, there were no complaints against Brijesh from the students at least officially. However, informally the entire SOE made fun of Brijesh for his inability to teach throughout the entire year. Extremely shy of the first batch of Engineering, Brijesh hates talking about what did he do when he joined KU initially. Since Brijesh was built of an entirely different material, which has abundance of parasitic instincts, he survived the first year in KU while drawing salary from the hard earned money paid by the students. Had it been some other university, the first year of Brijesh would never be counted in his service period as he never taught a single subject and never worked at all. But this is not to be in KU as he was inducted in KU for future leadership and with gradual departure of all other contemporary teachers, Brijesh is now the most senior teacher in School of Engineering. The days are not far away when the present storm would calm down and Brijesh would attack the Hanuman from behind so that Hanuman remain Hanuman for eternity while paying obeisance to not only (sita) Ram but also his Lav-Kush in KU. The legendary unpopularity of Brijesh amongst the students has become folklore and we can hear many students talk about this outside KU premises. Because talking about his earlier conquests in KU invites the wrath of Brijesh and this would be testified by none other than another diligent faculty of his own department. The only mistake that faculty committed was to tell Brijesh face to face that he was better than Brijesh in many respects. Incensed with that, Brijesh started hatching conspiracies against that faculty and even managed to stall the promotion of that faculty not only once but twice. That faculty was failed in the exam of Professorship twice and he was further humiliated with the help of his uncle Dev Raj Adhikary. Since Suresh Raj knows these venomous traits of Brijesh, inherited from Sitaram, there is no chance that Suresh Raj would ever employ such yardsticks like "Unpopularity amongst the students." As Brijesh can pose grave threat to Manish and his own daughter, he would rather tolerate Brijesh. Since Dr. Borish Niroula does not carry such dangerous traits, Suresh Raj can easily employ this yardstick to fire Dr. Boris but not the parasite known as Brijesh.

Regarding Manish, no body should ever be in doubt that this fellow is a black spot in the name of the teachers. Yeah, Manish has eloquence and flow, but not in the subject matter. He generally teaches the definitions and so on. Since the very first batch he stuck on the definitions and could never advance ahead from there. Suresh Raj knows his faults very well as Suresh Raj, amongst his close confidants, revealed that Manish has destroyed his reputation. So, apart from the gross unpopularity with the students, Manish has also become unpopular with Suresh Raj Sharma. Irrespective of his numerous crimes against the academia of KU, Suresh Raj wants to prevent functioning of KUPA in KU by claiming that he is all for professionalism. But, because of Manish, every time Suresh Raj opens up his mouth to speak in favour of professionalism, there would be someone pointing at the detestable professionalism of Manish Raj Pokhrel. Because of relation, Suresh Raj can never sack Manish and since Suresh Raj did not use his influences to send Manish for Ph.D., Manish is also sulking against Suresh Raj. Whatever may be the relation between these two, what we are interested to know is whether Suresh Raj would every employ this yardstick of "Unpopularity amongst the students" to sack Manish Pokhrel? No and Never. Suresh Raj is so weak, so timid and so nepotistic that he would tolerate every tantrum of Manish at the cost of the academic values of KU. There is no chance that this cruel, heinous, charlatan called Suresh Raj would ever employ this yardstick of "Unpopularity amongst the students"against his own people. Because, others may be in doubt, but Suresh Raj knows it very well that the academic leadership of KU should flow along hereditary lines and everyone who shares blood relations with him must stay in KU. But every other sons and daughters of common Nepalis, epitomized by Dr. Borish Niraula, would be expelled from KU as they pose serious problems to establish hereditary leadership in KU.

KUPA and all other respected faculty members of KU must understand that in present regime of Suresh Raj, the blots on the name of teachers like Pushpa Raj, Sitaram, Bhadraman, Hanuman Thapa, Daniel Man, Brijesh Ram, and Manish Raj would never be taken action against. Rather every other teacher who is despised by these thugs, charlatans, jokers of KU would be targeted by Suresh Raj because Suresh Raj is made to believe he is the great and these people are the mainstay of his greatness. In pursuit of his greatness, Suresh Raj would evoke divisive issues, may incite the students and can do anything. Since, we believe in logics and rule of law, we must ensure that Suresh Raj see the plethora of cases where he can employ the yardstick of "Unpopularity amongst the students" to take KU uphill. If he persists on employing "Unpopularity amongst the students" as a political tool against everybody else, then KUPA must immediately throw this nonsense out of KU lock, stock and barrel.

KUPA Zindabad!!!


Anonymous said...

I praise what the teachers of Ku are doing at the moment. Being an ex student of KU I definitely believe the dictatorial reign of Sharma family should come to an end for the development of KU as a whole (Isn't VC daughter is also working in KU?). In this blog I have rad about the teachers in enginnering department but nobody is mentioning the incompetent teachers in the department of science starting from the Head of Department.

Anonymous said...

I praise what the teachers of Ku are doing at the moment. Being an ex student of KU I definitely believe the dictatorial reign of Sharma family should come to an end for the development of KU as a whole (Isn't VC daughter is also working in KU?). In this blog I have read about the teachers in enginnering department but nobody is mentioning the incompetent teachers in the department of science starting from the Head of Department.