Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Matrika, Girija, Pradip and Suresh Raj

Matrika Yadav is absolutely right in asking PM Girija to correct himself. Who the hell Girija to throttle voices against wrongdoings? If decadent symbols of feudalism continue practicing their targets with precious wildlife, as a minister of concerned department Matrika Yadav is entitled to even take action against these people. However, the greatest malady of present day Nepal is partial application of laws. Powerful and mighty people in Nepal can do anything. They can kill wild lives within sanctuary and they can kill innocent staffs within sacrosanct premises of a university. Nepal Army officials, if they are involved in poaching, are as guilty as Suresh Raj in OFFICIAL HARRASSMENT TRIGGERED DEATH OF BUDDHI BAHADUR BISWOKARMA. But, because of inactions of so called Lokatantric with Girija group, murderers are roaming freely while enjoying undiminished looting of KU and other institutes in Nepal.

Time and again we have remarked that Suresh Raj saved his chair after weeping before Girija. Pressurized by Sujata, who was bribed by Suresh Raj, Girija gave Suresh Raj a reprieve. In this respect bundle receivers like Madav Nepal might have also praised Suresh Raj. Girija may have known very well that by setting up KU, Suresh Raj is not only trying to create an institute but also a stronghold where his lovely daughter and ugly sons of registrars (both Sitaram and Bhadreman) will carry the batons later on. Only feudal notions can devise such formulations and these notions can be put into implementation if so called creator is a psychopath like Suresh Raj. Without going into ugly mindsets, past history and fraudulent practices, Girija helped Suresh Raj in KU. Apart from his colorful daughter’s pleading, another important thing that could have kept Girija and Suresh Raj together is their love for feudalism.

Suresh Raj in KU thinks that his employees should not write blogs and rather continue so called teaching, or research or other academic activities. In Suresh Raj’s opinion, he and only he can write in newspapers and about education system in Nepal. Others who do that are simply wasting their times. This is the same attitude exhibited by Girija by pulling the leg of Matrika Yadav in cabinet meeting. Matrika Yadav did not do anything wrong by criticizing pochers of Nepal army. He did a commendable job as a minister. He should have been commended by Girija in cabinet meeting. But, married to feudalistic notions and prodded by complaints of feudal elements, Girija thought it OK to criticize Matrika. And the end effect, Lokatantric mask of Girija is now falling apart. This single issue has exposed very clearly that Girija is the main culprit in perpetuating monarchy in Nepal. We saw this 6 months before when he went back from sacking Suresh Raj.

Like Matrika Yadav, Pradip Nepal should now come forward and defy dictates of Girija and other corrupt Kangresis and Mandales regarding KU. If Girija clan and other Kangressis favouring Suresh Raj puts stumbling block on his reforms, he must also come open and tell the people why he is not able to sack Suresh Raj. We know that Pradip Nepal’s family is also involved in education sector. But, his being a good writer and a columnist make us believe that he is not under the spell of academic maifas of Nepal. Matrika Yadav has dutifully condemned Girija by his bold actions. Now the turn is of Pradip Nepal to sack corrupt, bloodthirsty, nepotistic Mandale Suresh Raj and his entire gang from KU.

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