Virginia Tech Murderer and Suresh Raj
Only difference between psychpath of Virginia Tech and Suresh Raj lies in numbers and methodology. Virginia Tech psychopath gets up early in morning like Suresh Raj but starts loading his hand guns. Whereas Suresh Raj starts using his handphone to contact Bhola Thapa to tighten the noose around staffs and faculties of KU. Both of them wake up early morning. That is not only an important similarilty. Similarlty covers their psychopathic desires to kill people to earn their browney points. That is why we call them psychopaths.
Psychopath Suresh Raj kills innocient staffs directly and their families indirectly. His reason for killing is protecting his chair of VCship in KU. To be a life long vice-chancellor of KU, Suresh Raj can go to any length. OFFICIAL HARRASSMENT TRIGGERED SUICIDE of Buddhi Bahadur is a burning example in this direction. Before the death of Buddhi, Surehs Raj has carried out many ruthless activities in KU which make us strongly believe that his machinations ultimately took the life of Buddhi Bahadur Bishwakarma. For Suresh Raj’s depature and abandonment of machinations and trickery in KU, Buddhi has sacrificed himself. This is our version. We are indebted to Buddhi for his martyrdom and because of that we say so. True, goons,bootlickers and favour seekers of Suresh Raj may not think so.
What if people like Suresh Raj were not presiding over in KU? Surely, Buddhi would not have to seek martyrdom. Like other individuals he,too, would have been helping his wife in their househodl chores instead of beating wife like Pushpa Raj. Statement of Buddhi’s wife clearly points out that. For many of us, life outside KU, after Buddhi’s death, is as deadly and torturing as it is inside. Even in our personal lives, threats, coercions and intimidations of Suresh Raj and Sitaram continue to pour in. Because of communal/racist elements who have considered Suresh Raj as an icon, innocent staffs of KU likely to perish sooner than performig their resisting actions. This is the stark reality presented by martyrdom of Buddhi.
In comparions with Suresh Raj, it appears that murderer of Virginia Tech is rather direct. He is definitely a psychopath. There is no doubt about it. No injustice ever demands merciless slaying of innocents. But for deranged minds, there is no difference. For his being an overtly ruthless but psychopathic murderer, he sprayed bullets on everyone who came on his way. Now look at what latent psychopaths do? Suresh Raj and Bhola Thapa are unseen psychopaths in that they let loose power of their positions and insulting words to rob personal dignities clandestinely and without concrete evidences. Well familiar with Budhhi’s mindset, Bhola Thapa psychopathically used insane words to humiliate him and make him hopeless. And the peroson who tutored, guided and later helped Bhola Thapa in this issue is no body other than Suresh Raj.
Mourning President of Virginia Tech might be silently cursing an Asian student for brining such disrepute to his internationally acclaimed institute. But, on this part of globe, it is a routine affairs to kill people to score dominance and to protect his/her stronghold. We have been raising our voices since ages to arrest psychopaths like Suresh Raj in Nepali academia. And Americans are rising up to occasion now only. It seems that our role against academic psychopaths is similar to that of India against global terrorism. Later than never. This is the time for everyone of us to raise voice against Suresh Raj and his clain in KU. This is message of Virginia Tech incident
Psychopath Suresh Raj kills innocient staffs directly and their families indirectly. His reason for killing is protecting his chair of VCship in KU. To be a life long vice-chancellor of KU, Suresh Raj can go to any length. OFFICIAL HARRASSMENT TRIGGERED SUICIDE of Buddhi Bahadur is a burning example in this direction. Before the death of Buddhi, Surehs Raj has carried out many ruthless activities in KU which make us strongly believe that his machinations ultimately took the life of Buddhi Bahadur Bishwakarma. For Suresh Raj’s depature and abandonment of machinations and trickery in KU, Buddhi has sacrificed himself. This is our version. We are indebted to Buddhi for his martyrdom and because of that we say so. True, goons,bootlickers and favour seekers of Suresh Raj may not think so.
What if people like Suresh Raj were not presiding over in KU? Surely, Buddhi would not have to seek martyrdom. Like other individuals he,too, would have been helping his wife in their househodl chores instead of beating wife like Pushpa Raj. Statement of Buddhi’s wife clearly points out that. For many of us, life outside KU, after Buddhi’s death, is as deadly and torturing as it is inside. Even in our personal lives, threats, coercions and intimidations of Suresh Raj and Sitaram continue to pour in. Because of communal/racist elements who have considered Suresh Raj as an icon, innocent staffs of KU likely to perish sooner than performig their resisting actions. This is the stark reality presented by martyrdom of Buddhi.
In comparions with Suresh Raj, it appears that murderer of Virginia Tech is rather direct. He is definitely a psychopath. There is no doubt about it. No injustice ever demands merciless slaying of innocents. But for deranged minds, there is no difference. For his being an overtly ruthless but psychopathic murderer, he sprayed bullets on everyone who came on his way. Now look at what latent psychopaths do? Suresh Raj and Bhola Thapa are unseen psychopaths in that they let loose power of their positions and insulting words to rob personal dignities clandestinely and without concrete evidences. Well familiar with Budhhi’s mindset, Bhola Thapa psychopathically used insane words to humiliate him and make him hopeless. And the peroson who tutored, guided and later helped Bhola Thapa in this issue is no body other than Suresh Raj.
Mourning President of Virginia Tech might be silently cursing an Asian student for brining such disrepute to his internationally acclaimed institute. But, on this part of globe, it is a routine affairs to kill people to score dominance and to protect his/her stronghold. We have been raising our voices since ages to arrest psychopaths like Suresh Raj in Nepali academia. And Americans are rising up to occasion now only. It seems that our role against academic psychopaths is similar to that of India against global terrorism. Later than never. This is the time for everyone of us to raise voice against Suresh Raj and his clain in KU. This is message of Virginia Tech incident
1 comment:
whoever u are do u even know what u r saying.linking virginia tech and the VC of KU.
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