Press freedom and responsibilities
Within a year of his being public, Prachanda has lost his sheen. His hobnobbing with all and sundry has made him look like a petty politician who wants to grab headlines all the time. At the same time, he did not reject invitations of sinister Mandales like Suresh Raj Sharma to visit Kathmandu University. This is an example of what kind of person he is chatting with and socializing with. Whom to meet and not meet is Prachanda’s prerogatives, but people can see that the same old bunch of thieves have always gheraoed new leaders. And this shatters expectation of people that new leaders would do something new.
Apart from hobnobbing with unscrupulous people like Suresh Raj Sharma, Prachanda has made another mistake. If we look at the latest trends of attack by the affiliates of the Maoists, we can see that they are resorting to arm-twisting of independent medias. Media persons and editors are not free from prejudices. Some of them openly praised Gyanendra and even accepted money from his regime. Some of them are involved in all kinds of thuggery like blackmailing, hobnobbing with criminals and publishing slanderous news. Recently we have witnessed how Prateek Pradhan, editor of TKP, exchanged his ideas with notorious sidekick of Suresh Raj Sharma in KU. This is a pointer to the fact that editors are not as honest and moralistic as they preach.
But, for all the shortcomings of the media men and the editors, nobody holds the right to hold them at ransom. Basic tenets of democracy demand that they be given their rights to function independently without any hindrance and attack from any trade union. It is true that most of the media houses treat workers and journalists like bonded labor. Like in KU, they apply rules haphazardly to punish righteous voices in their own organizations. Many a time, they have sacked journalists on flimsy grounds also. All these actions on the part of media houses and editors are condemnable. But condemnation should be confined to editors’/managements’ actions not to the functioning of the publication.
We here at ChangeinKU disagree with certain viewpoints, as highlighted by Mr. Prateek Pradhan in his editorial Journalists Act, that hawkers are not part of the journalistic fraternity. I think Prateek Pradhan must read what Shekhar Gupta has to say about this industry called media. Everybody who is involved in creation to delivery matters in media. So, if somebody is not happy, then it is likely that the concerned paper/publication may function very badly.
In view of so many Newspapers (both broadsheets and weeklies) in a small country like Nepal, it is natural that there is a great competition for advertisements. Journalists have history of fighting over advertisements. They were deeply divided when King’s regime segregated them for dole outs on the basis of the support to the regime. So, it has been a practice with our media to curry favor with the establishment to seek patronage. Similarly, some of them might have sought patronages of ill-reputed industrialists and businessmen also. All this clearly point out that there is not a healthy competition at all. Had it been so and had everything been decided by the popularity of the broadsheets and their impartiality, many of them would have already shut down. In gist, except few, most of the broadsheets are not in healthy operational mode and because of this they have not been able to do justice with their employees.
The editors know the best what should be operational mode of the newspapers. If revenue is not really favoring them, they should take concrete steps like closing down the newspaper or downsizing the operation/publication. In that case, it is natural that some of the employees would be laid off. But, it is not necessary that brunt of this should be borne by the hawkers and lower rank employees only. Why not editors take a cut in their privileges, why not management forgo some of benefits as suggested by Shekhar Gupta?
Complementing the hawkish one-sided view of the editors, labor organizations have complicated the issues by raising impractical issues. If these labor/trade unions were really interested in real issues, they should rather highlight mismanagement, and inefficiency of other sections in media. Similarly, they should press hard their contributions in respective newspapers and inform all how much revenue is being generated with their efforts. This way, they would have morally pressurized the media houses to listen to their demands.
In lack of all these real issues dealing with respective publications, one-sided protests of trade unions, mainly affiliating to the Maoists smacks of, some deep rooted conspiracy. It appears that these trade unions are acting at the behest of their party bosses who are put at inconvenient position by recent spate of media coverage on the Maoists highhandedness. This is where Prachanda needs to explain his position. Prachanda, after coming out of hibernation, should adapt to criticisms and complaints in media. Prachanda must sincerely control his party men lest there are wrong coverage of the Maoists in media. Instead of gagging the free press, Prachanda needs to make his cadre aware of indispensability of free media. If Prachanda feels that the press should only praise him, then he must know that he is no different from Gyanendra. People write and express not to grab power like the politicians. People do it because they want to express them. When faced with trauma and emotional scar left by highhandedness of certain political outfit, people are bound to react.
These reactions can be reflected in media and these reactions may build up public opinion against the Maoists. So, to stop the bad news, the good way is to behave well and stop wayward dealings. Prachanda and the Maoists must know that many of us prefer not licking the boots. We appreciate all who are real democratic and behaving in that manner also. So, despite shortcoming on the part of media and publications, we strongly believe that they have their rights to expression and publication. Editors’ alliance under the leadership of Prateek Pradhan, a tainted editor, may unleash new series of attack against the Maoists. But, if the Maoists, too, retaliate in forceful manner, things are likely to take nastier turn. Media houses may close down, but waning public support to the Maoist will also shatter its dream of becoming a leading political organization.
We, at ChangeinKU, request both parties to soften their position and make practical judgments. It is time to point out real criminals of society like Suresh Raj Sharma of KU. Both the Maoists and media houses have not been able to flush out the Mandale and criminal elements from the position of their influences. Without their efforts in transforming the face of Nepali by taking concrete actions against Mandales/vigilantes/royalist, new Nepal would never be possible. So, this is an opportune moment that they shift their priorities towards highlighting crimes and sacking people like Suresh Raj Sharma of KU instead of bickering.
Guru Jee,
Good decision. You have given right answer to the son of corrupt person.
A. Sharma
panna thapa is made dean of science, what is your blog doing about that?
i thought you strong pen and sincere conscience is not just against suresh raj but also against people who are favored products of nepotism.
do you need more proof to talk about the unnatural growth of people like panna, sanjay, deepak and the clan of executive mafias? isn't this proof enough?
please write something and keep writing. your voice is geeting weak.
i wrote in this section just to remind you. you may publish this or just delete it, but you it's sad that you've stopped to write forcefully against many many corrupt poeple thriving in KU.
This blog is not fighting for who should be made VC or who should be made dean. We consider these posts immaterial if real academic environment is established in KU. In that case, everybody will feel as stakeholder. So, the most important task at hand is to release KU from the clutches of Nepotistic, corrupt and unscrupulous elements. And right now, Suresh Raj symbolises all of them. These very people are using Sam, Dam, Danda and Bhed to perpetuate their regime. So, it is not unnatural that we find many people lining upto them and listening to the commands of Suresh Raj.
In our eyes, whoever licks the boot of Suresh Raj, is not righteous enough. It is like licking the boot of King Gyanendra. So, the day will come when these people will find their real place when Suresh Raj is taken care of.
For that KUPA, NUTA, and other organizations need to hard press agitations. I am really sad that so far this mandale Suresh Raj has not been slapped on his face. At least for his crimes against faculties and staffs, especially against Late Buddhiji, he deserves to be slapped hard.
Please bear in mind carefully that KU has changed a lot in character and it is now falling into psychopathic grip of Suresh Raj. He has lost his sanity and saying everything. He has displayed even emotional immaturity. His mobilisation of relatives may have helped him to retain his place, but it is also true that he has to bear some losses in that count also. He should have known carefully that it is too much to burden a young woman with such arduous task of running the propoganda machinery of KU for saving him.
Womenfolk are really unfortunate. Sometimes they are killed for family honour and sometimes they are so overburdened that it overshoots the pressure level and they succumb to it. Oh my god! I pray to almight to give some wisdom to Suresh Raj not to pressurize his relatives so much that they can not cope up with it.
History always repeats! Suresh Raj must know it. Buddhi Bahadur's martyrdom will not be wasted. Everyone who works for Suresh Raj will have to face such fates.
God Bless you all!
The problem with us is we only focus on Suresh Raj and not his hold. People like panna and sanjay are becoming more and more powerful in KU and these very people are supporting Suresh Raj and holding his position. If we have to get rid of Suresh Raj, then we should start from the bottom.
माथिको मित्रको कुरा त ठीकै हो। तर, आन्दोलनको विषयबस्तु भनेको सुरेश राजको नातावाद, कृपावाद, र भ्रष्टाचार नै हो। सुरेश राजले जसलाई पनि
टिप्न सक्छ जस्ले उनलाई ठिक हो भन्छ र जस्ले उनका तलुवा चाटछन। तर, सुरेश राजको समस्या के छ भने दुनियालाई देखाउनका लागी पनि उनले
केही भएका र केही सक्षम मान्छेहरुलाई समात्नु पर्ने उनको बाध्यता छ। कुनै शँका छैन, डा. पन्ना थापालाई सुरेश राजले समात्नुको कारण उनका प्राज्ञिक
र अनुसन्धानमा देखिएका राम्रा पक्षका कारणले हो। तर, पन्ना थापा सुरेश राजको भतुवा डिन हुन किन गए त? यो त पन्ना थापालाई नै थाहा हुनु
पर्ने कुरा हो। मेरो विचारमा डा. उपेन्द्र देवकोटाले राजाको मन्त्री खान जानु र डा. पन्ना थापाले सुरेश राजको डिन खान जानु एउटै कुरा हो।
अब जहाँ सम्म सँजय खनालको कुरा छ, उनी पन्ना थापासँग कुनै हालतमा तुलनायोग्य व्यक्ति हुँदै होइनन। प्राज्ञिक रुपमा अत्यन्त कमजोर सँजय खनालले आफू स्वयमले पि.एच.डी.को जोहो गर्न सकेका थिएनन। उनको अयोग्यता भनौँ या असक्षमता माथि दया गरेर डा. सुवोधले आफु पनि उनको पि.एच.डी. को-सुपरभाईजर हुने गरि यिनलाई अष्ट्रिया पठाएका थिए। तर, परिणति हेर्नुस त? कति कृतध्न मान्छे हो सँजय खनाल भन्ने कुरा यिनले डा. सुबोधको नाम सम्म पनि आफ्नो थेसिसमा उल्लेख गरेनन। यस्तोमा डा. सुवोधले प्रतिवाद गर्नु स्वाभाविक थियो र यिनले मजाले गरेका थिए। त्यसवेला यीनै सुरेश राजले अब देखि आफ्नो क्षमताकै आधारमा पि.एच.डी. नगर्नेलाई केयु र केयु सँबद्ध प्राध्यापकहरुले सहयोग गर्न हुँदैन भनेका थिए। डा. सँजय खनालले पि.एच.डी. सिध्याएर आएपछि के-कस्ता करतुत गरे र कसरी सुरेश राजलाई आन्दोलन दबाउन सहयोग गरे भन्ने कुरा त अहिले जग-जाहेर नै छ नी। फलस्वरुप सुरेश राजले आफ्नै थुक आफैले चाटे र बायोलोजी
विभागमा भएको पदोन्नतिमा सँजय खनाललाई डा. सुबोध भन्दा माथि राखेर बढुवा दिलाएका छन। भन्न त मानिसहरुले यो सबै कुपाको सदस्यता लिएको कारण डा. सुवोधलाई दिएको सजाय हो पनि भनेका छन। र यदि सुवोध सर सँजय खनाल भन्दा वरिष्ठ नभएका र उनका पिएचडी सुपरभाईजर नभएका भए सुवोधलाई प्रोफेसर पनि बनाउने वाला थिएन भन्ने अडकल पनि धेरैले काटेका छन। सुरेस राजको मन्डलेतन्त्रका प्रमुख सारथि सँजय खनाल यति खतरनाक मन्डले छन कि भनि साध्य छैन। यिनको तुलनामा डा. पन्ना थापा निक्कै मिलनसार र न्युट्रल देखिन्छन।
सँजयको व्यक्तित्वको अर्को पक्ष भनेको आफ्नो फाईदाको लागि श्रीमतिको प्रयोग गर्नु पनि हो। हुन त धेरैले धेरै हिसावले कुरा गरिसकेका छन, तर, सुरेश राजले सँजयको स्वास्नीको कुरा काटन सक्दैन भन्ने कुरामा भने केही शँका छैन। यो त परिक्षा विभागमै देखि सकेको कुरा हो नी।
आफ्नो स्वार्थको लागी सुपरभाईजरसँग दगाबाजी गर्ने, पदोन्नतिका लागी सुरेश राज जस्ता यौन पिपासुसँग श्रीमति मार्फत चाकरी पुर्याउने सँजय खनाल र डा. पन्ना थापाको बिचमा तुलना गर्दा बस्तुगत हिसाबले सोच्नु वेश होला कि।
Thanks for your views. But, I am sorry to tell you that Dr. Panna Thapa is not as good as you think. May be you are pharmacy faculty that you want to support him. But, Panna Thapa has many personal weaknesses. Many girls students in Pharmacy department are really afraid of Dr.Panna Thapa. Let me recount some good characters of Dr. Panna Thapa;
(i) Fond of Balwan Chhap and has promised to quit many times but could never. Still pushes it beneath his lips. I bet if you can stay in front of him for half an hour. Mere stench will kill you.
(ii) His orientation is not sure. Talks of all nonsense stuffs whenever with junior staffs. Raises doubts whether he is straight. Heard that he has no child also. Now you can guess, what could be the reason? Does he go around Thamel a lot? Just a question. I am not hinting at anything.
(iii) Claims that his father was a shooter and shot blah blah blah...
(iv) Very weak from inside but wants to show that he is a real dada. Boasts of good research ability but is no different from local goondas when you confront his research findings. Many members from Pharmacy fraternity does not like him.
(v) Weeps a lot and claims that his hailing from Dolpa has not liked by many and so he is not given opportunity. But, he used his being from remote Nepal to grab many scholarships. Now, he wants to grab official positions also.
(vi) Never supported KUPA movement. Even forbade his staffs from getting membership of KUPA. Does not talk much but acts from within.
So, if Sanjaya is dangerous for certain reasons, Panna is also equally dangerous. Please note carefully, attacking Suresh Raj alone is not enough if you spare these people. Bhola, Panna, Sanjaya must also be exposed and made to pay for their crimes.
Yes, you are right. Sanjay is a snake without any venom but Panna is the snake with venom.
GMK Bro,
Panna le patta saaph garla hai....ani pheri you are the are god bhandai chakadi garnu parla ni....
Aafno department ko manchhe le panna ko kasto evaluation gareko chha bhanne yasale dekhaunchha....
my dear blogowner,
let's face it. you have lost interest to fight against suresh raj and his select class of goons now headed by panna thapa, sanjay khanal and even subodh sharma. there is one plain fact: all these promotions and favours are done just to make sure that kupa has more enemies other than suresh raj to fight against. and the respected readers of this blog are well aware of this fact that kupa has no policy to go against some of these corrupt people other than to end the rule of suresh raj after which these bootlickers will find their own way. but let me attract your attention to two things: 1. who killed sijan sharma? 2. where are the loud promises of nuta to 'do anything against suresh raj"? kapil shrestha even compared suresh raj to a bagare, a butcher in the academics. is anyone listening to him or are people just mesmerised by the sweet talk of a clever brahmin? sometime ago you wrote about illicit relationship of suresh raj and his daughther sijan. isn't it time to rethink now that she is dead for an very very uncommon reason. frankly friends, how many of you have heard someone die of brain malfunction during childbirth. well, it may be medically possilbe explanation, but should anyone just believe this so easily about brain fuse and not to what was her mental state for the past several months? common man, think.
another question is about nuta. well, let me tell you this later. but for a spice, just look at the link below at how the bootlickers of suresh raj modify even webpage like wikipdeia. please go the link:
Read HISTORY OF KU from second para onwards. Should we just leave false projection of image of not just suresh raj but his entire family? this is a shame to those people who have worked tirelessly for so many years at ku and dedicated their life wholeheartedly. where is recognition of those people who know that ku cannot be better if there are academic mafias like suresh raj and his retinue of shit eaters? are we really happy to accept the fact that suresh raj has a illustrious family who are the best people for ku? if that is the case why don't we put them in the national forfront so that they can bring peace in the nation and advocate good governance and so many other ideals these feudal clans don't know of.
let us all realise that the promotions and favours to several people is not good for the health of ku and to those in kupa. and very very sadly kupa seems to have adopted the policy of keeping silent against such propaganda that make suresh raj the god of academia in education. we have already seen several faces of suresh raj, please don't ashame us more. suresh raj needs to be hanged just for all the sins he has commiteed agaisnt his family !
[[dear blogowner, my suggestion to you in a situation like this is, report this article vandalism to wikipedia. bring it to their notice and they will delete this page. perhaps you can even tell this pratik pradhan and other bloggers in private. let everyone know that there are so many people who just can't go against such a corrupt bastard. please don't publish the contents that are enclosed in double square brackets written after the double line, they are exclusive to you. if bootlickers of suresh raj find out ways to protect this article, they will do anything first and try to take advantage. thanks]]
dear blogowner, please publish the previous article as new item, so that we can start a new episode. you can add to what i wrote, okay.
thank you sir.
Issue of Friendship of Sanjay's wife and Suresh Raj is coming repeatedly. Would anyone please write this matter more clearly what was actually happened in exam section. ?
Hey I just visit your blog and I must say that you have very nice and impressive blog. Keep it up. And you are all very welcome on my blog to some time visit me
This comment is meant for all posts in this blog:
Attempt to bring good change in the University is applaudable. But please don't demean somebody in the public site if you don't like them and if you don't want them as I have seen in many posts in this blog. I am supporter of the revolution in KU if it is for good cause but using cheap words makes your revolution cheap. If you disrespect and demean other personally and professionally, you will lose respect from others (us) and yourself. Think about it. Adhere to your principle and purpose of revolution but use your pen (keyboard)and words in such a manner that you and your purpose really get respect from all of us. Then you will get respect from your rivals as well.
Whatever the characters of ......., but they were and are esteemed in their field.
I would have regarded your pens really strong, conscience truly sincere and your comments cogent if you have talked about welfare of KU instead of demeaning others.
All the best for attempt to change KU and hope change will be the good one and don't make KU like present condition of Nepal.
I used to feel proud being KU student as I used to think KU is the benchmark for all universities in Nepal. But now .....
one of the KU students
I appreciate your concern about KU and your effort to bring change in KU. BUT please keep in mind that you don't have any right to bring somebody's personal matter in public site.
Demeaning rivals by using such language does not make your pen strong and conscience sincere as one of you have mentioned in the comment. I would have really considered your pen strong, conscience sincere and voice cogent, if you have chosen right words and ways to change KU.
Change KU, bring the change in the sense that all of us would be able to say with pride, " This is my KU". Nobody stops you to do right thing. Such acts are always supported.
But denigrating your rivals using such obscene words denigrate yourselves and shows how "Low standard" your revolution is. You and your so called "attempt to change KU" lose respect and support from all of us.
Revolt in such a way that your opponents are also bound to respect you.
The people,whom you are sullying, are veterans in their field and let their personal matter be personal. Had they done really wrong in their profession, only then such acts should be criticised.
I am a Final Year student at KU( Department of Pharmacy)....i don't want to reaveal my name online...but i am seriously concerned with people's comment who said that Panna thapa is mad, girls are afraid and stuffs about his father...u have no rights to judge people's potential by such remarks...Panna Sir alwez made us feel easy and like a fren when he talked to us...supported us in our causes..a versatile and a lively teacher...and about girls being afraid to him...this is just a nonsense...ask any friends of BPharm Final year..and u'll discover the truth...he has a vision and his vision drives us to march even forward...why do u people call him mad and stuffs of shows how poor r u...ediots...ask the regular students at pharmacy and discover how much faith and pride we have for Panna Sir....ramita jasto alchee ra kamchoor teachers le bhane bhandaima sabai teachers haru against panna bhanna paeencha?....i donn know stuffs about dean or so...tara euta able ra vision bhayeko manche lai yesari jathabhawe bhaneko kunai bidhyarthee le sahana sakdaina...mark this point before
I support u too a pharmacist...intellects should be respected
Can I just say what a relief to find someone who actually knows what theyre talking about on the internet. You definitely know how to bring an issue to light and make it important. More people need to read this and understand this side of the story. I cant believe youre not more popular because you definitely have the gift.
>> This response to a guy who calls him/her, but I presume a he, "Anonymous" and someone who wants to remain "anonymous" probably has his/her reasons.
(i) Fond of Balwan Chhap and has promised to quit many times but could never. Still pushes it beneath his lips. I bet if you can stay in front of him for half an hour. Mere stench will kill you.
>> Einstein used to smoke cigars/pipes a lot. Does it make him any less in his contribution towards modern science? Mark Twain used to say "quitting smoking is so easy I've tried it a 100 times". And, 'mahakavi' Laxmi Prasad Devkota and Winston Churchill smoked a lot too. But, I'm not trying to justify or promote smoking or chewing tobacco - I know it's bad for health.
(ii) His orientation is not sure. Talks of all nonsense stuffs whenever with junior staffs. Raises doubts whether he is straight. Heard that he has no child also. Now you can guess, what could be the reason? Does he go around Thamel a lot? Just a question. I am not hinting at anything.
>> you heard wrong about Panna not having a child. His previous wife who succumbed to cancer was not able bear any children. So, they adopted a girl - Panna's sister's daughter when she was just 2.5 years old. His sister died in a forest fire. Now, that he's married again he has a son, and a cute one too. So, don't go speculating about Thamel thing - that is a very personal attack which is not called for. Besides get your facts correct before you blog it. What's this personal vendetta against him? Did he fail you 'cuz you were not living up to his high scholastic standards?
(iii) Claims that his father was a shooter and shot blah blah blah...
>> his farther was a good man and a local leader who did good for his community. "shooter and shot" I have no clue what you're talking about.
to be continued....
(v) Weeps a lot and claims that his hailing from Dolpa has not liked by many and so he is not given opportunity. But, he used his being from remote Nepal to grab many scholarships. Now, he wants to grab official positions also.
>> He studied in a remote government school till grade 7 while collecting firewood for teachers and going "gothaley" with cattle on holidays. he definitely wasn't as privileged as you my friend probably are and from the "lucky sperm club" as investment guru Warren Buffet puts it.
There have been claims by many people from Karnali that they're the first PhD from Karnali. In fact it's Panna, but he never went about trying to get the limelight and use it for personal benefit.
Why do "privileged silver spoon up their ass" people just don't like/accept the fact that someone who chased cattle in his teens has been able to achieve what he has.
Dear Anonymous - please refrain from personal attacks and attacks on character of a person saying "not having a child because of frequenting Thamel". That's implying massage parlors and prostitute. BTW, you seem to know quite a lot of Thamel night life.
He faced a personal tragedy with his wife death due to cancer and she wasn't capable to bearing children. Would you adopt someone and treat her like your own daughter if you and your wife (in case you're married or when you do get married)? Or, should someone just blog as not having children because of frequeting Thamel. BTW, Panna;s daughter is 9 years old now and son around 2.
Post other things but not personal attacks. adios Anymous dude!
>> This response to a guy who calls him/her, but I presume a he, "Anonymous" and someone who wants to remain "anonymous" probably has his/her reasons.
(i) Fond of Balwan Chhap and has promised to quit many times but could never. Still pushes it beneath his lips. I bet if you can stay in front of him for half an hour. Mere stench will kill you.
>> Einstein used to smoke cigars/pipes a lot. Does it make him any less in his contribution towards modern science? Mark Twain used to say "quitting smoking is so easy I've tried it a 100 times". And, 'mahakavi' Laxmi Prasad Devkota and Winston Churchill smoked a lot too. But, I'm not trying to justify or promote smoking or chewing tobacco - I know it's bad for health.
(ii) His orientation is not sure. Talks of all nonsense stuffs whenever with junior staffs. Raises doubts whether he is straight. Heard that he has no child also. Now you can guess, what could be the reason? Does he go around Thamel a lot? Just a question. I am not hinting at anything.
>> you heard wrong about Panna not having a child. His previous wife who succumbed to cancer was not able bear any children. So, they adopted a girl - Panna's sister's daughter when she was just 2.5 years old. His sister died in a forest fire. Now, that he's married again he has a son, and a cute one too. So, don't go speculating about Thamel thing - that is a very personal attack which is not called for. Besides get your facts correct before you blog it. What's this personal vendetta against him? Did he fail you 'cuz you were not living up to his high scholastic standards?
(iii) Claims that his father was a shooter and shot blah blah blah...
>> his farther was a good man and a local leader who did good for his community. "shooter and shot" I have no clue what you're talking about.
After reading blogs from other people, i sure do believe you're definitely not living up to high standards of panna thapa, thus your prejudice and finding time to check his background just so you can attack him personally.
adios Anonymous
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