Institutionalization of corruption in KU
Corruption in Kathmandu University is not a new phenomenon. Corruption here has different aspects. Area wise, corruption in Kathmandu University pertains to construction deals, general purchase, admission, and contracts for facilities/amenities/and services. Regarding construction deals, the prominent cases are of construction contract to Dawadi and Sons and purchase of Dhulikhel resort. The manner in which Suresh Raj managed to give that contract to Mr. Dawadi is under investigation by Commission for Investigation into Abuse of Authority (CIAA). Because of systematic corruption, it would be very difficult to pin point these corrupt officials in resort deal. Sole hope, therefore, rests on how the seller will cooperate. It would be better if CIAA summons that seller and facts are established.
The land deals and construction deals are made once in a blue moon. As hefty sum is involved in these dealings, Suresh Raj, Sitaram and Mukunda generally make detailed planning for corruptions of this scale. Despite meticulous planning and executions, they leave all tale-tell signs and corruptions become visible. So, however much these people try, these corruptions are generally noticed. But, we should not remain content with these discernible corruptions only. There has been systematic corruption in normal purchases and construction deals. We have already said that in KU, with increasing expansion, there are more purchases of commodities and more requirements of services. In all these purchases, KU officials Bhadraman (who began corruption from rolls of toilet paper in Tangal school), Mukunda, Sitaram and Suresh Raj have permanent shares. Temporarily, other staffs, who get their share of corrupt pie, vary from time to time. But, many of the lower level, middle rung and higher officials of KU have tasted the taste of ill-gotten wealth. Amongst the general administration staff, transfer to procurement section is considered very lucrative. So, purchasing section, which is generally controlled by Sitaram, Bhadraman and Mukunda, is considered something similar to custom department in Kathmandu University. But, everybody cannot enter in this procurement section. From amongst the general staffs, only those are given these lucrative postings who are either capable of bootlicking or are maintaining blood relation with KU authorities.
1) Goods purchased in KU
Kathmandu university is making a good deal of purchases for stationeries, copies, pens, staplers, computers, computer accessories, furniture, Venetian blinds, furniture, desks, chairs, revolving chairs, heaters, fans, carpets, mats, curtains and toiletries and so on. Stationeries are required mainly for offices and exam section. Offices of registrars, deans, HODs, office secretaries all need both durable and non-durable consumable items. The bulk of stationeries are used in Exam section. Preparation of question papers for engineering, natural sciences, management, and medical schools have ensured large consumption of papers, printer cartridges, photocopy inks etc. in exam section. Apart from printable materials, non-printable materials are used in exam section for tabulation, recording and publication of results. The consumables in Kathmandu University Exam section cost millions of rupees every year. For last sixteen years, the rate of consumption has rather increased. At 10% every purchase, the amount of ill-gotten money stands at a staggering figure. For sixteen years, Suresh Raj has continuously liked the exam section not because he has a system of 10% over there. The purchase rates in KU are generally either inflated or paid standard price for inferior quality. So, Suresh Raj’s system in KU and the exam section generally yields more than 30% commission for them. If commission is considered legal, however much it may be, and then we have no point to make. But, if a distinction is made between regular commission and inflated prices or quality, then we have to understand that the corruption is definitely there. So, it is worthwhile to discuss the purchase related corruption in KU.
1.1) Corruption in exam section
Exam section is the most loved department/section of VC Suresh Raj. Nepal’s prime-minister G.P. Koirala visits Biratnagar to invigorate himself. Similarly, Suresh Raj generally visits the exam section not only to invigorate himself but also to satisfy his various hungers. How sensitive Suresh Raj is about exam section can be ascertained by various practices he has started over there. Suresh Raj has made it mandatory to have momo, drumsticks, springrolls, and other mouth watering dishes in the exam section. For that, KU has a set rule of allowing registrar to spend Rs. 5000.00 everyday. In addition, Suresh Raj has devised the exam section in such a way that students can never go there as they are not allowed inside. Teachers are requested to visit only when the Sitaram or Bhadrman or now Pushparaj has to verbally criticize them for failing students and non-relative staffs are forbidden to enter into exam section. In absence of all these three stake-holders of the University, the exam section is turned into a paradise for Suresh Raj. From here he can get money, company and food. When all these things are available everyday what else a VC of KU needs during office hours? And to maintain confidentiality, only a select relatives and bootlickers are deputed in the exam section. Whenever someone who is not relative of either Suresh Raj, or Sitaram or Bhadraman demands deputation in exam section, they claim that the person is not capable of maintaining confidentiality in the exam section.
What kind of confidentiality Suresh Raj, Sitaram and Bhadraman are talking about? Confidentiality of exam section requires that unconcerned staffs as well as other visitors will never have unhindered access. When staffs are prevented, how can a volunteer enter into the exam section? So, the natural question that strikes every one’s mind is how come Bhadraman’s second wife, for whom he did not treat the first wife and mother of Daniel Tuladhar properly to hurry her death, can get access into exam section? She is not an employee of KU and socially also she is considered a kind of vamp who could incite a ruthless Bhadraman to neglect the sick wife to meet her tragic end. Does being able to maintain confidentiality require ability to collude in hastening the death of a cancer-ridden unfortunate lady? This is what many of KU staffs have generally asked whenever they hear such ready-made answers from Suresh Raj, Sitaram and Bhadraman Tuladhar on the requirement of getting posting in exam section.
So, the dealings in exam section clearly indicate that Suresh Raj, Sitaram and Bhadraman have devised this criterion of confidentiality in the exam section to cover up their lavish parties, to prevent news of their scams getting leaked and to halt the spread of information of their sordid deals within the four walls of the exam section. And this is possible only when they have their relatives only in the exam section. In purchase section, they post the relatives and bootlickers to manipulate the document and cost prices, and in the exam also they have relatives and bootlicker to tamper the stock and inventory so that they can keep on buying goodies to accrue hefty commission.
Stationeries, photocopiers, printers, and many other goods purchased in exam section as well as in the other sections have constantly generated good deal of monetary benefits for Suresh Raj, Sitaram and Bhadraman. The sum appears a small one at a glance but the aggregate over the period of 16 years of Suresh Raj rule in KU can even dwarf the benefits these people have accrued from land deals. As in all cases of corruption, in this case also, their attempts to cover up have rather made the corruption more visible. Consequently, everyone in KU is now convinced that there are avenues to make a killing in KU. Issues like confidentiality are just some excuses, which Suresh Raj, Sitaram and Bhadraman have devised to keep others outside off their corrupt realm.
Corruption in a exam section is so systematic that it is very difficult to trace it. For example, most of the question papers and materials, which are used in exam section, are generally burned in the incinerator specially built inside the exam section. How many reams of papers have been burnt for last sixteen years is not difficult to be ascertained. Based on entry receipt or purchase order, we can guess that quantity. But, we can not guess that amount of the papers actually burnt in the exam section. Given hidden practices in the purchase of the goods for exam section, one can guess that most of the figures available for the purchases pertaining to exam section are inflated ones.
So, regarding KU’s exam section, which is considered, one of the prolific consumers of the most of the consumables goods, following points need to be borne in mind;
(1) Purchases are made from a particular supplier only for because of the convenience in inflating the figure.
(2) Volume of input can be easily inflated because it is not necessary to show the record of the papers burnt and erased.
(3) Cover up is carried out by allowing a select group of people belonging to relatives of Suresh Raj, Sitaram and Bhadraman Tuladhar.
(4) Machinaries in the exam section like photocopiers, and printers are of inferior quality. The prices of the cartridges and inks are generally inflated. Frequent purchases and repairs strongly suggest this.
1.2) Corruption in other sections:
Corruption in other sections as regards the purchase follow the similar trend as is seen in that of the exam section. This is because of the purchase/procurement being handled by the same team. Like in the purchase of exam section, the chief beneficiaries in other purchases are also Sitaram, Mukunda and Bhadraman. They control everything with good share for Suresh Raj.
Items procured in schools, departments, laboratories and so on are generally stationeries, furniture, chairs, revolving chairs, heaters and so on. However, chemicals, reagents, lights, bulbs, raw materials are generally purchased on the basis of the requirements of the laboratories and departments. On the other hand, with increasing computerization most of the departments of KU have bought 100s of computers. For computer engineering alone, many terminals were/have been set up. To start master’s program in Environmental science, Engineering and IT, special computer labs were set up. So, with every new program, computer laboratories have further extended and many more purchases are made. Like other consumable goods, computers are also perishable. Generally, for the computers, there is fixed hardware life and the terminals can function well for at least 5 years if yearly updating of the software alone are made.
However, in KU, in most of the departments, it has been noticed that within a year, most of the computer peripherals and sometimes monitor and hard disk itself have needed replacements. Because of inferior quality of computer peripherals and so on, both the students and teachers have found their work either lost or damaged or delayed. So, the corruption as regards the purchase of the computers pertains to buying assembled computers or computers having low quality Chinese components.
The pace of computerization in KU will rather increase. Becuase of this, many faculties have asked for buying branded computers. If international brands are not locally available, then it has been argued that KU can buy computers from Mercantile, which comes with fixed warranty. As Mercantile Corporation of Mr. Sanjeeb Rajbhandari has helped set up one building in KU philanthropically, mainly the staff quarter, it was argued that he may lower the price of the computers for the educational purpose. But, Bhadraman Tuladhar, present registrar of KU, never listened to the requests of the faculties and computer professionals. He stuck with his practice of collecting 3 different quotations with prearranged price differences to buy the computers from the bidder of his choice. By just fulfilling the financial regulation of KU, which the KU auditors generally focus on, Mr. Bhadraman is plundering the KU resources by both hands.
Purchases related with computers can give Rs. 10 to 30 thousands of comission per computer. If the computer is declared a branded one, it can be sold to KU at much higher price. However, the physical state of the most of the computers clearly show that many computers KU is using are assembled by suppliers with Chinese chips, peripherals and sometimes even pirated software. Because of the greed of KU officials, KU students have not been able to receive the computer service in accordance with the value it is quoted in KU. So, as regards the purchase of computers in KU, following points are worthy to be taken into consideration;
Computer hardware can last for almost a decade if they are branded ones. There are few computers in KU with such a life span.
Purchases dealing with computers are made at the instruction of Mr. Bhadrman Tulahdar even when he was merely a dean or exam controller. Why he was allowed to poke his nose into something where Sitaram or Mukunda alone are supposed to involve in?
Most of the suppliers of computers and parts therein are generally known to Mr. Bhadraman personally. Apart from select bidders, no other supplier can ever supply their goods in KU. Why it is so?
KU being an educational institute must have a kind of agreement where it will buy quality products from noted manufacturers at educational price. KU has not even tried to favour Mercantile of Kathmandu, which is producing its own computer with one year warranty. Instead of entering into a wholesome agreement with Mercantile, KU is buying computers without looking for additional benefit from one time donor for KU. Why this is being done in KU? For whose monetary benefits this is done in KU?
2) Corruption in KU facilities
Chief Administrative Officer Mr. Mukunda Upadhyapa (brother of VC Suresh Raj) thinks that by providing transportation facilities to the staffs, KU management is becoming sagacious towards the staffs and teachers. He feels that if the KU staffs and teachers want to use the bus service like the students, then they, too, need to pay the money. Mr. Mukunda generally uses KU vehicles, both motorcycle and other cars,jeeps and prados. Whenever his wife, relatives of Suresh Raj and villagers from Sindhuli visit KU and need to go to Kathmandu, they use all these vehicles as their own parental property. Mukunda generally uses these vehicles for buying his groceries in Banepa Market or Dhulikhel Market or while attending social gatherings with Bel Prasad family in Dhulikhel. For his pleasurable activities, he thinks that using the KU vehicles is his birthright. But, for teachers commuting to Dhulikhel for teaching, he demands that these teachers need to pay the money. Especially Suresh Raj family has plundered KU facilities on every occasion. They have defamed Prof. Surendra Raj Kafle for using KU vehicles. But, record shows that Suresh Raj has even used KU staff bus to carry all the tentacles of nepotism in KU to go Sindhuli every Dashain. For this purpose, they pay the overtime to KU drivers from KU’s account, and they use the KU money to buy vehicle fuels also. Similarly, entire family of Sitaram too have used the KU vehicles like their parental property.
But, still, Mr. Mukunda resents the bus facility used by KU teachers. This clearly show that Suresh Raj, Sitaram, Bhadraman, and Mukunde view KU as their parental property where they can do anything. Because of this attitude of Suresh Raj, Sitaram, Bhadraman and Mukunda, corruption is rife in KU facilities also.
2.1) Bus pass scam
2.1.1) Unearthing the scam
No need to say, the KU bus facility was another area where corruption thrives. Around 2002-2003, the scale of corruption in running KU bus facilities for the students reached the zenith. KU auditors reported that KU suffered a loss in bus facility. The number of students had constantly increased but still the revenue generated from the students could not meet the expenses KU had to incur in running this bus service. So many, as usual, suspected that Registrar Sitaram Adhikary and Mr. Mukunda might have done something wrong. It was quite possible that they could have received kickbacks from the facility operator in return for awarding contract to them. When faculties started discussing this corruption and raised questions on how KU suffered a loss in running Kathmandu-KU bus service, Sitaram could not avoid his responsibility. However, to suppress the general questionings, which in one way or another way implicated him, he devised a strategy to stop further questionings.
Then, out of sudden, some relatives of Sitaram and Suresh Raj, mainly Lal Babu and Tirth Koirala reported in the KU administration that during bus pass checking, some students are carrying fake bus pass. Immediately, registrar Sitaram informally constituted one probe committee that is called “Bus Pass Irregularity Probe committee” to investigate this case. The committee comprised of Prof. Rana Bahadur Chhetri, Asst. Prof. and HOD of Mechanical Engineering Mr. Suresh Bhakta Shrestha and Account Officer Mr. Kumar Baral. In the course of investigation, the committee interrogated many KU staffs and students. In the due course of investigation, it was revealed that one staff of the library Mr. Madhusudan Shrestha, prepared the bus pass and gave it to the students. The KU bus tariff was set at Rs. 5000/- per student every semester. However, Mr. Madhusudan Shrestha provided it to the students for Rs. 3000/-. Mr. Madhusudan Shrestha as well as some students were implicated in this investigation. The investigation was going on full swing and was about to uncover the greater nexus. However, repeated demands from the registrar’s office forced the committee to submit the report without complete investigation.
It has been claimed in KU circle that in the course of investigation, one of the relatives of Suresh Raj and Sitaram have chastised Mr. Madhusudan for being a foolish person to accept the mistake in front of the probe committee. That person, however, when interrogated by the probe committee denied that he ever claimed so. Moreover, the way Mr. Madhusudan was allowed to operate, too, raised many other issues. Mr. Madhusudan was a staff of KU library section and he was not supposed to work in general administration. Initially, it was doubted that Mr. Madhusudan printed the fake bus passes and gave it to the students. Investigations revealed that he gave the genuine KU bus passes to the students. He was given that task, in addition to his usual task of library, at the written order of the chief administrative officer. As a matter of fact, the bus pass needed to be signed by the section chief Mr. Tanka Bahadur Khadka only.
2.1.2) Attempts to cover up the scam
The investigation revealed that regarding the bus park, there was a larger network, which constantly accrued undue benefits. From chief administrative officer Mr. Mukunda Upadhyaya to Mr. Tanka Bahadur, they had shown negligence in their duties. When they were using staffs from other departments for responsibilities, which deal in money, they should have been very careful. There was clear breach of protocol and evasion of responsibility by the chief administrative officer Mr. Mukunda on whose written order Mr. Madhusudan came to general administration and looted KU revenue. In the probe committee meetings, when the role of Mr. Mukunda was discussed, nepotists of KU started feeling the heat. Reportedly, one of the members in the probe team wanted to interrogate Mr. Mukunda also. To complete the probe into the scam, which was perpetuated by the staff of the library, it was necessary to know why Mr. Mukunda brought him into the “Property Department.” Through Mr. Kumar Baral, who was appointed by Sitaram Adhikary to influence the probe, Sitaram knew of the developments in the probe committee. Subsequently, Sitaram convened one meeting in registrar’s office to influence the investigation. Reportedly, Sitaram said that the probe committee did not have a mandate to investigate into Mukunda’s role in this scam. He remarked that Mukunda belongs to manager band and he was above the assistant professor rank. Then, questions were raised on the constitution of the committee. He was asked why he set up a committee with Associate professor, assistant professor and an account officer only if he were serious about the investigation. That meeting ended in a bitter note. And later using majority of the members in the probe committee, Sitaram tried to achieve the report as per he wished.
2.1.3) Aftermath
Once the bus pass irregularity scam was finalized, Mr. Madhusudan Shrestha’s services were terminated in KU. However, KU authorities themselves, both Sitaram and Mukunda talked with their friends in Kathmandu College of Management to help Mr. Madhusudan Shrestha find another job there as a bookkeeper. Then, to maintain their saintliness or greatness, Suresh Raj, Sitaram and Mukunda said that if young guys like Madhusudan were made jobless, then they would become either criminal or the Maoists and start killing the people. Many friends could not hide their chuckles when they heard this statement from KU’s great people like Suresh Raj, Sitaram and Mukunda.
It is true that we should try to rectify people. But, it is never seen anywhere that any worker who has caused monetary damage to the organization is arranged a job after his termination in the original organization. The way the probe committee was constituted as well as the dictations made by the registrar Sitaram left nobody in doubt that the probe committee was a sham to cover up the scam. So, questions are bound to be asked in this bus pass case also.
There has been breach of protocols and responsibilities in issuing bus passes. Mr. Mukunda Upadhyay has shown utter negligence in selecting a suitable person for suitable job. He has issued letters to appoint people for duties, which they are not supposed to do. A bookkeeper was supposed to prepare the list of books, inventory of the books and so on. A bookkeeper of the library will never be allowed to work in “property department” where monetary transactions are made. So, additional responsibility to Mr. Madhusudan Shrestha was a kind of collusion carried out by Mr. Mukunda to intentionally bleed KU revenue and accrue undue benefits.
Mr. Mukunda was not allowed to be interrogated for his being brother of VC. By providing immunity to Mr. Mukunda, Sitaram Adhikary provided immunity to Mr. Tanka Bahadur Khada also. Mr. Tanka Bahadur was the only assigned officer to sign on the bus passes. But, in addition to him, many other KU staffs cutting across all the ranks have been signing the bus passes.
The who investigation was a stage-managed drama carried out to make one scapegoat of Mr. Madhusudan to save all the relatives and bootlickers of Suresh Raj, Sitaram and so on. Their premeditated job arrangement for Mr. Madhusudan was clearly noticed after KU arranged job for Mr. Madhusudan in Kathmandu College of Management. Because of this prearranged deal, Mr. Madhusudan Shrestha did not implicate others during the course of investigation. Rather he laughingly soldered the entire blame on himself.
The role of Mr. Mukunda and Sitaram in this kind of job arrangement raises doubts about their intentions. It is easy to surmise that they want Mr. Madhusudan to remain silent and not divulge others’ names. This shows that there are lingering suspicions on the role of Chief Administrative officer. Mr. Mukunda has finalized many deals of Bus services with service operator. So, it is likely that he may be receiving heavy commission from the bus service operators. Similarly it is quite possible that he may have set up a chain of personnel to issue fake bus passes to the students so that undue financial benefits are made. More than 12 buses run between KU and Kathmandu and each bus has carrying capacity of 60 students. If 20 students are issued bus passes in this way, 240 students can be milked for generating around one million rupees every semester.
Had it been other institute, in this case the first person to be demoted must have been Chief administrative officer Mr. Mukunda Prasad Upadhyay. But, being a kingpin of the corrupt gang, he is getting promotions.
2.2) Corruption in canteens, cafeterias and students’ amenities
The good thing about KU is that it has benefit of doubt. Being a new university, many parents feel that enrolling their wards in KU will provide them good facilities and education. This would have been possible if there were not corrupt people like Sitaram, Suresh Raj and Mukunda in KU. Because of these corrupt people, most of the students and teachers do not have good eateries where they can eat good and hygienic food. Especially, KU students are unfortunate in that they have never received the value service from KU canteens.
As mentioned time and again in this blog, relatives of Mr. Bel Prasad Shrestha generally monopolize KU canteens, and cafeterias. When these relatives of Bel Prasad Shrestha ran KU canteens, KU students had to content with rice cooked with soda or baking powder. Using baking powder in rice generally gives good appearance to cooked rice but it reduces hunger also. To decrease a morsel of rice from going down into students’ stomach, some cafeteria operators cooked such foods in the canteen. When the students of hostel students, both girls and boys, raised a hue and cry, KU authorities needed to intervene. Mr. Suman Shrestha, a local resident of Dhulikhel and a relative of Mr. Bel Prasad Shrestha, never listened to the demands of both the teachers and students. He kept on catering adulterated, sub-standard and oily foods to the students. Consequently, the mess committee of KU decided to take action against him. As his contract with KU for running canteen was about to expire very soon, the mess committee unanimously decided that he should not be allowed to continue at any cost.
When he saw that KU was not about to renew his contract, he started using political connections. He was having a fixed transaction worth 300 thousand every month with hostel students only. Non-hostel students, teachers and staffs transactions were almost double this figure. So, around a million rupees transaction was there in KU cafeteria every month. So, loosing this sum was a kind of great loss for Mr. Suman Shrestah. Then, to renew his contract his started using his political pressure.
Suresh Raj Sharma was met by Mr. Bel Prasad Shrestha and other relatives and informed of the mess committee members and teachers who spoke against Suman Shrestha. They complained that some teachers were ruining their livelihood. Fraud, cheats people belonging to Bel Prasad family did not hesitate to complain against righteous faculties who voiced the concerns for students’ health. As Suresh Raj has never been able to resist the requests of Bel Prasad in all the cases, in this case also, Suresh Raj started exerting his pressure. He categorically told Director of Students’ affairs Mr. Pushpa Raj Adhikary to give a fair deal to Mr. Suman Shrestha. Under extreme pressure from Suresh Raj, Puspa Raj convened a meeting of the mess committee and decided to terminate the contract of Mr. Suman Shrestha while buying all the utensils, cookers, ovens and cooking range at original price. Prof. Pushpa Raj argued that these used goods will be bought at original price at which Mr. Suman Shresha claimed to have bought and rented out to future cafeteria operators.
No where in the world, a highly wearable goods and commodities would be bought back at original price after a period of one year and that also by a third party whose sole task is to teach and research. General financial practices demand some depreciation to be applied on good quality goods and purchased. But, the mess committee of KU, under oral instruction of Suresh Raj bought everything at the original price and lock, stock and barrel. Sensing the impending corrupt practice some prominent members abstained from the meeting. It is better to avoid being an accomplice of Suresh Raj in his crimes than to repent later. Anyway, Pushpa Raj arranged the quorum of the meeting and bought back everything the relative of Mr. Bel Prasad Shrestha, Mr. Suman Shrestha had to offer.
With this buy back process, things became quite clear that in KU, what Suresh Raj wants can be done by arranging a so-called quorum of so called committees. In most of the cases, this case being the sole example, decisions are made in this manner. For construction, bootlickers and relatives who do not know about construction are first made member of the related team, and decision is taken. For IT , unrelated people are made members of the committee and majority decisions are made by sub-committee so that Mukunda, Sitaram, Bhadraman and Suresh Raj can take decision. Suresh Raj has devised this sceme to prevent persecution incase of detection of his corruption. In this case itself, the mess committee took a decision in total violation of financial norms. According the original price to the used goods is never a prudent move. But, Pushpa Raj took solace in the fact that it is being done because Suresh Raj has verbally instructed him to do this.
3) Conclusions:
The land deals and construction deals are made once in a blue moon. As hefty sum is involved in these dealings, Suresh Raj, Sitaram and Mukunda generally make detailed planning for corruptions of this scale. Despite meticulous planning and executions, they leave all tale-tell signs and corruptions become visible. So, however much these people try, these corruptions are generally noticed. But, we should not remain content with these discernible corruptions only. There has been systematic corruption in normal purchases and construction deals. We have already said that in KU, with increasing expansion, there are more purchases of commodities and more requirements of services. In all these purchases, KU officials Bhadraman (who began corruption from rolls of toilet paper in Tangal school), Mukunda, Sitaram and Suresh Raj have permanent shares. Temporarily, other staffs, who get their share of corrupt pie, vary from time to time. But, many of the lower level, middle rung and higher officials of KU have tasted the taste of ill-gotten wealth. Amongst the general administration staff, transfer to procurement section is considered very lucrative. So, purchasing section, which is generally controlled by Sitaram, Bhadraman and Mukunda, is considered something similar to custom department in Kathmandu University. But, everybody cannot enter in this procurement section. From amongst the general staffs, only those are given these lucrative postings who are either capable of bootlicking or are maintaining blood relation with KU authorities.
1) Goods purchased in KU
Kathmandu university is making a good deal of purchases for stationeries, copies, pens, staplers, computers, computer accessories, furniture, Venetian blinds, furniture, desks, chairs, revolving chairs, heaters, fans, carpets, mats, curtains and toiletries and so on. Stationeries are required mainly for offices and exam section. Offices of registrars, deans, HODs, office secretaries all need both durable and non-durable consumable items. The bulk of stationeries are used in Exam section. Preparation of question papers for engineering, natural sciences, management, and medical schools have ensured large consumption of papers, printer cartridges, photocopy inks etc. in exam section. Apart from printable materials, non-printable materials are used in exam section for tabulation, recording and publication of results. The consumables in Kathmandu University Exam section cost millions of rupees every year. For last sixteen years, the rate of consumption has rather increased. At 10% every purchase, the amount of ill-gotten money stands at a staggering figure. For sixteen years, Suresh Raj has continuously liked the exam section not because he has a system of 10% over there. The purchase rates in KU are generally either inflated or paid standard price for inferior quality. So, Suresh Raj’s system in KU and the exam section generally yields more than 30% commission for them. If commission is considered legal, however much it may be, and then we have no point to make. But, if a distinction is made between regular commission and inflated prices or quality, then we have to understand that the corruption is definitely there. So, it is worthwhile to discuss the purchase related corruption in KU.
1.1) Corruption in exam section
Exam section is the most loved department/section of VC Suresh Raj. Nepal’s prime-minister G.P. Koirala visits Biratnagar to invigorate himself. Similarly, Suresh Raj generally visits the exam section not only to invigorate himself but also to satisfy his various hungers. How sensitive Suresh Raj is about exam section can be ascertained by various practices he has started over there. Suresh Raj has made it mandatory to have momo, drumsticks, springrolls, and other mouth watering dishes in the exam section. For that, KU has a set rule of allowing registrar to spend Rs. 5000.00 everyday. In addition, Suresh Raj has devised the exam section in such a way that students can never go there as they are not allowed inside. Teachers are requested to visit only when the Sitaram or Bhadrman or now Pushparaj has to verbally criticize them for failing students and non-relative staffs are forbidden to enter into exam section. In absence of all these three stake-holders of the University, the exam section is turned into a paradise for Suresh Raj. From here he can get money, company and food. When all these things are available everyday what else a VC of KU needs during office hours? And to maintain confidentiality, only a select relatives and bootlickers are deputed in the exam section. Whenever someone who is not relative of either Suresh Raj, or Sitaram or Bhadraman demands deputation in exam section, they claim that the person is not capable of maintaining confidentiality in the exam section.
What kind of confidentiality Suresh Raj, Sitaram and Bhadraman are talking about? Confidentiality of exam section requires that unconcerned staffs as well as other visitors will never have unhindered access. When staffs are prevented, how can a volunteer enter into the exam section? So, the natural question that strikes every one’s mind is how come Bhadraman’s second wife, for whom he did not treat the first wife and mother of Daniel Tuladhar properly to hurry her death, can get access into exam section? She is not an employee of KU and socially also she is considered a kind of vamp who could incite a ruthless Bhadraman to neglect the sick wife to meet her tragic end. Does being able to maintain confidentiality require ability to collude in hastening the death of a cancer-ridden unfortunate lady? This is what many of KU staffs have generally asked whenever they hear such ready-made answers from Suresh Raj, Sitaram and Bhadraman Tuladhar on the requirement of getting posting in exam section.
So, the dealings in exam section clearly indicate that Suresh Raj, Sitaram and Bhadraman have devised this criterion of confidentiality in the exam section to cover up their lavish parties, to prevent news of their scams getting leaked and to halt the spread of information of their sordid deals within the four walls of the exam section. And this is possible only when they have their relatives only in the exam section. In purchase section, they post the relatives and bootlickers to manipulate the document and cost prices, and in the exam also they have relatives and bootlicker to tamper the stock and inventory so that they can keep on buying goodies to accrue hefty commission.
Stationeries, photocopiers, printers, and many other goods purchased in exam section as well as in the other sections have constantly generated good deal of monetary benefits for Suresh Raj, Sitaram and Bhadraman. The sum appears a small one at a glance but the aggregate over the period of 16 years of Suresh Raj rule in KU can even dwarf the benefits these people have accrued from land deals. As in all cases of corruption, in this case also, their attempts to cover up have rather made the corruption more visible. Consequently, everyone in KU is now convinced that there are avenues to make a killing in KU. Issues like confidentiality are just some excuses, which Suresh Raj, Sitaram and Bhadraman have devised to keep others outside off their corrupt realm.
Corruption in a exam section is so systematic that it is very difficult to trace it. For example, most of the question papers and materials, which are used in exam section, are generally burned in the incinerator specially built inside the exam section. How many reams of papers have been burnt for last sixteen years is not difficult to be ascertained. Based on entry receipt or purchase order, we can guess that quantity. But, we can not guess that amount of the papers actually burnt in the exam section. Given hidden practices in the purchase of the goods for exam section, one can guess that most of the figures available for the purchases pertaining to exam section are inflated ones.
So, regarding KU’s exam section, which is considered, one of the prolific consumers of the most of the consumables goods, following points need to be borne in mind;
(1) Purchases are made from a particular supplier only for because of the convenience in inflating the figure.
(2) Volume of input can be easily inflated because it is not necessary to show the record of the papers burnt and erased.
(3) Cover up is carried out by allowing a select group of people belonging to relatives of Suresh Raj, Sitaram and Bhadraman Tuladhar.
(4) Machinaries in the exam section like photocopiers, and printers are of inferior quality. The prices of the cartridges and inks are generally inflated. Frequent purchases and repairs strongly suggest this.
1.2) Corruption in other sections:
Corruption in other sections as regards the purchase follow the similar trend as is seen in that of the exam section. This is because of the purchase/procurement being handled by the same team. Like in the purchase of exam section, the chief beneficiaries in other purchases are also Sitaram, Mukunda and Bhadraman. They control everything with good share for Suresh Raj.
Items procured in schools, departments, laboratories and so on are generally stationeries, furniture, chairs, revolving chairs, heaters and so on. However, chemicals, reagents, lights, bulbs, raw materials are generally purchased on the basis of the requirements of the laboratories and departments. On the other hand, with increasing computerization most of the departments of KU have bought 100s of computers. For computer engineering alone, many terminals were/have been set up. To start master’s program in Environmental science, Engineering and IT, special computer labs were set up. So, with every new program, computer laboratories have further extended and many more purchases are made. Like other consumable goods, computers are also perishable. Generally, for the computers, there is fixed hardware life and the terminals can function well for at least 5 years if yearly updating of the software alone are made.
However, in KU, in most of the departments, it has been noticed that within a year, most of the computer peripherals and sometimes monitor and hard disk itself have needed replacements. Because of inferior quality of computer peripherals and so on, both the students and teachers have found their work either lost or damaged or delayed. So, the corruption as regards the purchase of the computers pertains to buying assembled computers or computers having low quality Chinese components.
The pace of computerization in KU will rather increase. Becuase of this, many faculties have asked for buying branded computers. If international brands are not locally available, then it has been argued that KU can buy computers from Mercantile, which comes with fixed warranty. As Mercantile Corporation of Mr. Sanjeeb Rajbhandari has helped set up one building in KU philanthropically, mainly the staff quarter, it was argued that he may lower the price of the computers for the educational purpose. But, Bhadraman Tuladhar, present registrar of KU, never listened to the requests of the faculties and computer professionals. He stuck with his practice of collecting 3 different quotations with prearranged price differences to buy the computers from the bidder of his choice. By just fulfilling the financial regulation of KU, which the KU auditors generally focus on, Mr. Bhadraman is plundering the KU resources by both hands.
Purchases related with computers can give Rs. 10 to 30 thousands of comission per computer. If the computer is declared a branded one, it can be sold to KU at much higher price. However, the physical state of the most of the computers clearly show that many computers KU is using are assembled by suppliers with Chinese chips, peripherals and sometimes even pirated software. Because of the greed of KU officials, KU students have not been able to receive the computer service in accordance with the value it is quoted in KU. So, as regards the purchase of computers in KU, following points are worthy to be taken into consideration;
Computer hardware can last for almost a decade if they are branded ones. There are few computers in KU with such a life span.
Purchases dealing with computers are made at the instruction of Mr. Bhadrman Tulahdar even when he was merely a dean or exam controller. Why he was allowed to poke his nose into something where Sitaram or Mukunda alone are supposed to involve in?
Most of the suppliers of computers and parts therein are generally known to Mr. Bhadraman personally. Apart from select bidders, no other supplier can ever supply their goods in KU. Why it is so?
KU being an educational institute must have a kind of agreement where it will buy quality products from noted manufacturers at educational price. KU has not even tried to favour Mercantile of Kathmandu, which is producing its own computer with one year warranty. Instead of entering into a wholesome agreement with Mercantile, KU is buying computers without looking for additional benefit from one time donor for KU. Why this is being done in KU? For whose monetary benefits this is done in KU?
2) Corruption in KU facilities
Chief Administrative Officer Mr. Mukunda Upadhyapa (brother of VC Suresh Raj) thinks that by providing transportation facilities to the staffs, KU management is becoming sagacious towards the staffs and teachers. He feels that if the KU staffs and teachers want to use the bus service like the students, then they, too, need to pay the money. Mr. Mukunda generally uses KU vehicles, both motorcycle and other cars,jeeps and prados. Whenever his wife, relatives of Suresh Raj and villagers from Sindhuli visit KU and need to go to Kathmandu, they use all these vehicles as their own parental property. Mukunda generally uses these vehicles for buying his groceries in Banepa Market or Dhulikhel Market or while attending social gatherings with Bel Prasad family in Dhulikhel. For his pleasurable activities, he thinks that using the KU vehicles is his birthright. But, for teachers commuting to Dhulikhel for teaching, he demands that these teachers need to pay the money. Especially Suresh Raj family has plundered KU facilities on every occasion. They have defamed Prof. Surendra Raj Kafle for using KU vehicles. But, record shows that Suresh Raj has even used KU staff bus to carry all the tentacles of nepotism in KU to go Sindhuli every Dashain. For this purpose, they pay the overtime to KU drivers from KU’s account, and they use the KU money to buy vehicle fuels also. Similarly, entire family of Sitaram too have used the KU vehicles like their parental property.
But, still, Mr. Mukunda resents the bus facility used by KU teachers. This clearly show that Suresh Raj, Sitaram, Bhadraman, and Mukunde view KU as their parental property where they can do anything. Because of this attitude of Suresh Raj, Sitaram, Bhadraman and Mukunda, corruption is rife in KU facilities also.
2.1) Bus pass scam
2.1.1) Unearthing the scam
No need to say, the KU bus facility was another area where corruption thrives. Around 2002-2003, the scale of corruption in running KU bus facilities for the students reached the zenith. KU auditors reported that KU suffered a loss in bus facility. The number of students had constantly increased but still the revenue generated from the students could not meet the expenses KU had to incur in running this bus service. So many, as usual, suspected that Registrar Sitaram Adhikary and Mr. Mukunda might have done something wrong. It was quite possible that they could have received kickbacks from the facility operator in return for awarding contract to them. When faculties started discussing this corruption and raised questions on how KU suffered a loss in running Kathmandu-KU bus service, Sitaram could not avoid his responsibility. However, to suppress the general questionings, which in one way or another way implicated him, he devised a strategy to stop further questionings.
Then, out of sudden, some relatives of Sitaram and Suresh Raj, mainly Lal Babu and Tirth Koirala reported in the KU administration that during bus pass checking, some students are carrying fake bus pass. Immediately, registrar Sitaram informally constituted one probe committee that is called “Bus Pass Irregularity Probe committee” to investigate this case. The committee comprised of Prof. Rana Bahadur Chhetri, Asst. Prof. and HOD of Mechanical Engineering Mr. Suresh Bhakta Shrestha and Account Officer Mr. Kumar Baral. In the course of investigation, the committee interrogated many KU staffs and students. In the due course of investigation, it was revealed that one staff of the library Mr. Madhusudan Shrestha, prepared the bus pass and gave it to the students. The KU bus tariff was set at Rs. 5000/- per student every semester. However, Mr. Madhusudan Shrestha provided it to the students for Rs. 3000/-. Mr. Madhusudan Shrestha as well as some students were implicated in this investigation. The investigation was going on full swing and was about to uncover the greater nexus. However, repeated demands from the registrar’s office forced the committee to submit the report without complete investigation.
It has been claimed in KU circle that in the course of investigation, one of the relatives of Suresh Raj and Sitaram have chastised Mr. Madhusudan for being a foolish person to accept the mistake in front of the probe committee. That person, however, when interrogated by the probe committee denied that he ever claimed so. Moreover, the way Mr. Madhusudan was allowed to operate, too, raised many other issues. Mr. Madhusudan was a staff of KU library section and he was not supposed to work in general administration. Initially, it was doubted that Mr. Madhusudan printed the fake bus passes and gave it to the students. Investigations revealed that he gave the genuine KU bus passes to the students. He was given that task, in addition to his usual task of library, at the written order of the chief administrative officer. As a matter of fact, the bus pass needed to be signed by the section chief Mr. Tanka Bahadur Khadka only.
2.1.2) Attempts to cover up the scam
The investigation revealed that regarding the bus park, there was a larger network, which constantly accrued undue benefits. From chief administrative officer Mr. Mukunda Upadhyaya to Mr. Tanka Bahadur, they had shown negligence in their duties. When they were using staffs from other departments for responsibilities, which deal in money, they should have been very careful. There was clear breach of protocol and evasion of responsibility by the chief administrative officer Mr. Mukunda on whose written order Mr. Madhusudan came to general administration and looted KU revenue. In the probe committee meetings, when the role of Mr. Mukunda was discussed, nepotists of KU started feeling the heat. Reportedly, one of the members in the probe team wanted to interrogate Mr. Mukunda also. To complete the probe into the scam, which was perpetuated by the staff of the library, it was necessary to know why Mr. Mukunda brought him into the “Property Department.” Through Mr. Kumar Baral, who was appointed by Sitaram Adhikary to influence the probe, Sitaram knew of the developments in the probe committee. Subsequently, Sitaram convened one meeting in registrar’s office to influence the investigation. Reportedly, Sitaram said that the probe committee did not have a mandate to investigate into Mukunda’s role in this scam. He remarked that Mukunda belongs to manager band and he was above the assistant professor rank. Then, questions were raised on the constitution of the committee. He was asked why he set up a committee with Associate professor, assistant professor and an account officer only if he were serious about the investigation. That meeting ended in a bitter note. And later using majority of the members in the probe committee, Sitaram tried to achieve the report as per he wished.
2.1.3) Aftermath
Once the bus pass irregularity scam was finalized, Mr. Madhusudan Shrestha’s services were terminated in KU. However, KU authorities themselves, both Sitaram and Mukunda talked with their friends in Kathmandu College of Management to help Mr. Madhusudan Shrestha find another job there as a bookkeeper. Then, to maintain their saintliness or greatness, Suresh Raj, Sitaram and Mukunda said that if young guys like Madhusudan were made jobless, then they would become either criminal or the Maoists and start killing the people. Many friends could not hide their chuckles when they heard this statement from KU’s great people like Suresh Raj, Sitaram and Mukunda.
It is true that we should try to rectify people. But, it is never seen anywhere that any worker who has caused monetary damage to the organization is arranged a job after his termination in the original organization. The way the probe committee was constituted as well as the dictations made by the registrar Sitaram left nobody in doubt that the probe committee was a sham to cover up the scam. So, questions are bound to be asked in this bus pass case also.
There has been breach of protocols and responsibilities in issuing bus passes. Mr. Mukunda Upadhyay has shown utter negligence in selecting a suitable person for suitable job. He has issued letters to appoint people for duties, which they are not supposed to do. A bookkeeper was supposed to prepare the list of books, inventory of the books and so on. A bookkeeper of the library will never be allowed to work in “property department” where monetary transactions are made. So, additional responsibility to Mr. Madhusudan Shrestha was a kind of collusion carried out by Mr. Mukunda to intentionally bleed KU revenue and accrue undue benefits.
Mr. Mukunda was not allowed to be interrogated for his being brother of VC. By providing immunity to Mr. Mukunda, Sitaram Adhikary provided immunity to Mr. Tanka Bahadur Khada also. Mr. Tanka Bahadur was the only assigned officer to sign on the bus passes. But, in addition to him, many other KU staffs cutting across all the ranks have been signing the bus passes.
The who investigation was a stage-managed drama carried out to make one scapegoat of Mr. Madhusudan to save all the relatives and bootlickers of Suresh Raj, Sitaram and so on. Their premeditated job arrangement for Mr. Madhusudan was clearly noticed after KU arranged job for Mr. Madhusudan in Kathmandu College of Management. Because of this prearranged deal, Mr. Madhusudan Shrestha did not implicate others during the course of investigation. Rather he laughingly soldered the entire blame on himself.
The role of Mr. Mukunda and Sitaram in this kind of job arrangement raises doubts about their intentions. It is easy to surmise that they want Mr. Madhusudan to remain silent and not divulge others’ names. This shows that there are lingering suspicions on the role of Chief Administrative officer. Mr. Mukunda has finalized many deals of Bus services with service operator. So, it is likely that he may be receiving heavy commission from the bus service operators. Similarly it is quite possible that he may have set up a chain of personnel to issue fake bus passes to the students so that undue financial benefits are made. More than 12 buses run between KU and Kathmandu and each bus has carrying capacity of 60 students. If 20 students are issued bus passes in this way, 240 students can be milked for generating around one million rupees every semester.
Had it been other institute, in this case the first person to be demoted must have been Chief administrative officer Mr. Mukunda Prasad Upadhyay. But, being a kingpin of the corrupt gang, he is getting promotions.
2.2) Corruption in canteens, cafeterias and students’ amenities
The good thing about KU is that it has benefit of doubt. Being a new university, many parents feel that enrolling their wards in KU will provide them good facilities and education. This would have been possible if there were not corrupt people like Sitaram, Suresh Raj and Mukunda in KU. Because of these corrupt people, most of the students and teachers do not have good eateries where they can eat good and hygienic food. Especially, KU students are unfortunate in that they have never received the value service from KU canteens.
As mentioned time and again in this blog, relatives of Mr. Bel Prasad Shrestha generally monopolize KU canteens, and cafeterias. When these relatives of Bel Prasad Shrestha ran KU canteens, KU students had to content with rice cooked with soda or baking powder. Using baking powder in rice generally gives good appearance to cooked rice but it reduces hunger also. To decrease a morsel of rice from going down into students’ stomach, some cafeteria operators cooked such foods in the canteen. When the students of hostel students, both girls and boys, raised a hue and cry, KU authorities needed to intervene. Mr. Suman Shrestha, a local resident of Dhulikhel and a relative of Mr. Bel Prasad Shrestha, never listened to the demands of both the teachers and students. He kept on catering adulterated, sub-standard and oily foods to the students. Consequently, the mess committee of KU decided to take action against him. As his contract with KU for running canteen was about to expire very soon, the mess committee unanimously decided that he should not be allowed to continue at any cost.
When he saw that KU was not about to renew his contract, he started using political connections. He was having a fixed transaction worth 300 thousand every month with hostel students only. Non-hostel students, teachers and staffs transactions were almost double this figure. So, around a million rupees transaction was there in KU cafeteria every month. So, loosing this sum was a kind of great loss for Mr. Suman Shrestah. Then, to renew his contract his started using his political pressure.
Suresh Raj Sharma was met by Mr. Bel Prasad Shrestha and other relatives and informed of the mess committee members and teachers who spoke against Suman Shrestha. They complained that some teachers were ruining their livelihood. Fraud, cheats people belonging to Bel Prasad family did not hesitate to complain against righteous faculties who voiced the concerns for students’ health. As Suresh Raj has never been able to resist the requests of Bel Prasad in all the cases, in this case also, Suresh Raj started exerting his pressure. He categorically told Director of Students’ affairs Mr. Pushpa Raj Adhikary to give a fair deal to Mr. Suman Shrestha. Under extreme pressure from Suresh Raj, Puspa Raj convened a meeting of the mess committee and decided to terminate the contract of Mr. Suman Shrestha while buying all the utensils, cookers, ovens and cooking range at original price. Prof. Pushpa Raj argued that these used goods will be bought at original price at which Mr. Suman Shresha claimed to have bought and rented out to future cafeteria operators.
No where in the world, a highly wearable goods and commodities would be bought back at original price after a period of one year and that also by a third party whose sole task is to teach and research. General financial practices demand some depreciation to be applied on good quality goods and purchased. But, the mess committee of KU, under oral instruction of Suresh Raj bought everything at the original price and lock, stock and barrel. Sensing the impending corrupt practice some prominent members abstained from the meeting. It is better to avoid being an accomplice of Suresh Raj in his crimes than to repent later. Anyway, Pushpa Raj arranged the quorum of the meeting and bought back everything the relative of Mr. Bel Prasad Shrestha, Mr. Suman Shrestha had to offer.
With this buy back process, things became quite clear that in KU, what Suresh Raj wants can be done by arranging a so-called quorum of so called committees. In most of the cases, this case being the sole example, decisions are made in this manner. For construction, bootlickers and relatives who do not know about construction are first made member of the related team, and decision is taken. For IT , unrelated people are made members of the committee and majority decisions are made by sub-committee so that Mukunda, Sitaram, Bhadraman and Suresh Raj can take decision. Suresh Raj has devised this sceme to prevent persecution incase of detection of his corruption. In this case itself, the mess committee took a decision in total violation of financial norms. According the original price to the used goods is never a prudent move. But, Pushpa Raj took solace in the fact that it is being done because Suresh Raj has verbally instructed him to do this.
3) Conclusions:
- Apart from bigger deals like 5 crore worth construction deals, there are other venues which have turned into better avenues of corruption in KU.
- A systematic corruption is present in KU in which large number of KU officials and relatives of Suresh Raj, Sitaram, and Bhadraman are main beneficiary.
- Purchase practices in KU are based on how to accrue more commission than how to get durable goods. KU purchase officers become very happy whenever there are reports of breakdown and stoppage.
- The bus pass issue has shown that Chief administrative officer is not only negligent in his duties but also arrogant enough to believe that he has immunity against his crimes in KU. He has been transferring, and assigning unqualified duties to junior staffs for the sake of carrying out dubious financial dealings which are detrimental to KU’s financial condition but very good for his personal coffer.
- In KU, if Mukunda’s example is to be followed, people who are more corrupt can get better protection and appreciation from Suresh Raj, Sitaram and Bhadraman.
- Suresh Raj, Sitaram and their family members are using KU facilities as their parental properties Friends have claimed that the grand daughter of Sitaram views the KU vehicle as their own. It shows that in family circles of Suresh Raj and Sitaram, it is natural to consider public property of KU as their parental property.
- Because of secret, hidden and suspicious alliance of Suresh Raj with Mr. Bel Prasad Shrestha, KU facilities have undergone worsening in quality in addition to direct financial loss to KU.
- KU needs to evolve good financial practices but before that all the corrupt officials who are in habit of getting undue benefits need to be sacked. Otherwise, corruption, which has spread like a cancer in KU, can not be checked. So, a strong measure needs to be adopted beginning from a stern action against Suresh Raj who is mainly responsible for the corruption in KU.
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