Menacing corruption in KU
Somebody has rightly said that absolute power absolutely corrupts. And in KU, Suresh Raj Sharma has just proved this. When faculties and staffs of KU talks about corruption, it has been a habit with Suresh Raj to thunder for a proof. In his opinion, all these talks about corruption in KU is handiwork of some elements who do not like to see a well functioning university, and who do not like to appreciate good deeds of chosen ones. Definitely, Suresh Raj is a chosen one in KU to preside for such a long time. But, he is definitely not the cleanliest man in Nepal. Rather, he is one of the dirtiest player of the game. Suresh Raj is neck deep in corruption and he has enjoyed fruits of corruption very much. This is why he wants to stick to his chair till his death.
Accusation of corruption against Suresh Raj Sharma and Sitaram Adhikary is not a new thing. Since the begining, from Tangal itself, voices against their corruption has surfaced time and again. As corruption is norm of the day in Nepal, very few thought it necessary to tackle them on this issue. Whenever some faculties talked about corruption, it has been habit with Suresh Raj Sharma and Sitaram Adhikary to beat about the bush and start talking about political corruption. I was once shocked to hear one relative of Sitaram retorting "Where is no corruption?" As this came from his eldest son, I had firm idea in my mind that they are upto certain things. Had they resorted to some low level corruption, we would not have ever bothered about these things. But, in order to hide thier corrupt deals, they have started to hire and recruit only those people who are related to them, inefficient and can be fired on the grounds of competence any time.
Modus Operandi
Corruption is so widespread in KU that even junior staffs vie for appointment/ transfer to the procurement department. When certain staffs refuse to follow dictates of either Sitaram/Bhadraman (Registrars) or CAO Mukunde, there are instances of their transer overnight. And once the staffs are transferred to insignificant positions, Sitaram, Mukunda and gang of relatives start whishpering campaign as if the transfer was result of corruption that unfortunate staff. It has been repeated with many staffs in KU and every one candidly confess that their plight is due to not favouring
1) Air Line agency appointed by registrar or CAO
2) Stationary dealer recomended by registrar or CAO
3) Furniture supplier recommended by registrar or CAO
4) Other general amenities suppliers selected by registrar or CAO
5) Computer parts suppliers
These are simple examples related with junior staffs where they interact with the suppliers. Though these items look petty ones with less chances of getting good margin, yet for given time-span of 15 years, we can guess that people could contruct palatial houses on these commissions.
Kathmandu university has many affiliated Medical schools and colleges. Everywhere, the questions and other things are sent from KU office at Dhulikhel itself. If you go by corruption related to exam of 10+2 Board, which hogged the limelight, you can guess that there have been transacttions worth crores in KU on stationaries alone. Now with rapid expansion of KU, you can guess total amount invested in buying of furnitures, computers, fax machines, and other general amenities. So, assuming that they took only 10% in every purchase, we can see that they have taken worth crores in KU for last 15 years. But, what will happen if they have inflated the price and did not stick to general tender or manipulated the tender process, the corruption amount can be 50% of total purchase. Relatives of Suresh Raj, Sitaram, Bhadraman and others may complain that it is not possible as they did not get benefitted as much as it is claimed today. Then, I must tell each of them that when divided it may look less. But, it is divided amongst relatives and their general financial growth is indicative of this.
Regarding big deals, they never send junior staffs, either they finish the contract in Dhulikhel Lodge resort or at appropriate location in Kathmandu. It could be Bhadraman's house or Sitaram's house or Guest house in Thapa Gaun. And if the client is tough to bargain, they invite at the Dhulikhel Lodge also. Actually, I was really surprised to know about purchase of one old resort for KUMS guest house. While meeting with one land broker to sell my land, he inadvertently broached that topic. On my persistence, he told me that gang of Suresh Raj had requested the seller to inflat the price so that they would take the margin. As the seller was desperate for money, he complied to whatever demands gang of Suresh Raj made. So, in that deal alone, they managed to double the price and got 50% for themselves. This is simply the case of dealing with outsider. What would happen if they have to deal with their own relatives. The school of Management building of KU, contracted to Dawadijee is a pointer to this issue.
Cover up
To cover up their crimes in KU, Suresh Raj needs political support as well. He has greased the palms of many politicians. Suresh Raj might not have given money to Govind Raj Joshee but till Govinda Raj was Minister of Education, Suresh Raj got good deal of support. Obviously Govinda Raj was earning great deal as a minister itself. But, after installation of UML government, Suresh Raj was somewhat crestfallen initially. Whatever equations he developed with Kangressis were not to be taken kindly by Madhav Jee. In that situation, Suresh Raj depended heavily on Sitaram who, in turn, depended heavily on father of our thick moustached Navendra to bail out Suresh Raj. The deal was sealed and Madhav jee could have been pleased. Grapevine has it that Pitajee carried the bundles to Madhav Jee. Since then Madhav jee has started to think Suresh Raj as a good human being. Now, after arrival of king, Suresh Raj need not bribe anybody nor help graduate any minister's son. So, he started openly hobnobbing with Mandales and took great pride when Mandales like Keshar Jung visited KU. With political protection in line, the next thing Suresh Raj needs in KU is to have guards to protect their secret.
When they could not trust any longer, Narayan Adhikary was laid off to KUSOM and they started talking about effective management control. Initially, everybody thought that Suresh Raj would promote somebody from within KU. But, all of a sudden he brought Mukunda into scene. And with Mukunda and Sitaram controlling administration, there are very few chances for leakage. The nepotism in KU apparently both the necessity and desire of Suresh Raj and Sitaram in KU. If these gentlemen have no skeleton in their cupboards, why they always want to cover up every deal in KU.
Accusation of corruption against Suresh Raj Sharma and Sitaram Adhikary is not a new thing. Since the begining, from Tangal itself, voices against their corruption has surfaced time and again. As corruption is norm of the day in Nepal, very few thought it necessary to tackle them on this issue. Whenever some faculties talked about corruption, it has been habit with Suresh Raj Sharma and Sitaram Adhikary to beat about the bush and start talking about political corruption. I was once shocked to hear one relative of Sitaram retorting "Where is no corruption?" As this came from his eldest son, I had firm idea in my mind that they are upto certain things. Had they resorted to some low level corruption, we would not have ever bothered about these things. But, in order to hide thier corrupt deals, they have started to hire and recruit only those people who are related to them, inefficient and can be fired on the grounds of competence any time.
Modus Operandi
Corruption is so widespread in KU that even junior staffs vie for appointment/ transfer to the procurement department. When certain staffs refuse to follow dictates of either Sitaram/Bhadraman (Registrars) or CAO Mukunde, there are instances of their transer overnight. And once the staffs are transferred to insignificant positions, Sitaram, Mukunda and gang of relatives start whishpering campaign as if the transfer was result of corruption that unfortunate staff. It has been repeated with many staffs in KU and every one candidly confess that their plight is due to not favouring
1) Air Line agency appointed by registrar or CAO
2) Stationary dealer recomended by registrar or CAO
3) Furniture supplier recommended by registrar or CAO
4) Other general amenities suppliers selected by registrar or CAO
5) Computer parts suppliers
These are simple examples related with junior staffs where they interact with the suppliers. Though these items look petty ones with less chances of getting good margin, yet for given time-span of 15 years, we can guess that people could contruct palatial houses on these commissions.
Kathmandu university has many affiliated Medical schools and colleges. Everywhere, the questions and other things are sent from KU office at Dhulikhel itself. If you go by corruption related to exam of 10+2 Board, which hogged the limelight, you can guess that there have been transacttions worth crores in KU on stationaries alone. Now with rapid expansion of KU, you can guess total amount invested in buying of furnitures, computers, fax machines, and other general amenities. So, assuming that they took only 10% in every purchase, we can see that they have taken worth crores in KU for last 15 years. But, what will happen if they have inflated the price and did not stick to general tender or manipulated the tender process, the corruption amount can be 50% of total purchase. Relatives of Suresh Raj, Sitaram, Bhadraman and others may complain that it is not possible as they did not get benefitted as much as it is claimed today. Then, I must tell each of them that when divided it may look less. But, it is divided amongst relatives and their general financial growth is indicative of this.
Regarding big deals, they never send junior staffs, either they finish the contract in Dhulikhel Lodge resort or at appropriate location in Kathmandu. It could be Bhadraman's house or Sitaram's house or Guest house in Thapa Gaun. And if the client is tough to bargain, they invite at the Dhulikhel Lodge also. Actually, I was really surprised to know about purchase of one old resort for KUMS guest house. While meeting with one land broker to sell my land, he inadvertently broached that topic. On my persistence, he told me that gang of Suresh Raj had requested the seller to inflat the price so that they would take the margin. As the seller was desperate for money, he complied to whatever demands gang of Suresh Raj made. So, in that deal alone, they managed to double the price and got 50% for themselves. This is simply the case of dealing with outsider. What would happen if they have to deal with their own relatives. The school of Management building of KU, contracted to Dawadijee is a pointer to this issue.
Cover up
To cover up their crimes in KU, Suresh Raj needs political support as well. He has greased the palms of many politicians. Suresh Raj might not have given money to Govind Raj Joshee but till Govinda Raj was Minister of Education, Suresh Raj got good deal of support. Obviously Govinda Raj was earning great deal as a minister itself. But, after installation of UML government, Suresh Raj was somewhat crestfallen initially. Whatever equations he developed with Kangressis were not to be taken kindly by Madhav Jee. In that situation, Suresh Raj depended heavily on Sitaram who, in turn, depended heavily on father of our thick moustached Navendra to bail out Suresh Raj. The deal was sealed and Madhav jee could have been pleased. Grapevine has it that Pitajee carried the bundles to Madhav Jee. Since then Madhav jee has started to think Suresh Raj as a good human being. Now, after arrival of king, Suresh Raj need not bribe anybody nor help graduate any minister's son. So, he started openly hobnobbing with Mandales and took great pride when Mandales like Keshar Jung visited KU. With political protection in line, the next thing Suresh Raj needs in KU is to have guards to protect their secret.
When they could not trust any longer, Narayan Adhikary was laid off to KUSOM and they started talking about effective management control. Initially, everybody thought that Suresh Raj would promote somebody from within KU. But, all of a sudden he brought Mukunda into scene. And with Mukunda and Sitaram controlling administration, there are very few chances for leakage. The nepotism in KU apparently both the necessity and desire of Suresh Raj and Sitaram in KU. If these gentlemen have no skeleton in their cupboards, why they always want to cover up every deal in KU.
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