Suresh Raj's Master Plan
Whether Suresh Raj would lobby for next term as VC of KU is widely debated in certain quarters. Though he has consistently maintaining mum on this subject, yet there are indirect references from him. His discourses on VISION 2013 or like that resembles current buzzword “vision 2020.” He has been constantly bragging about this vision everytime he opens up his mouth. For discernible ones, there is nothing not understood. But, it is his audacity that has perplexed many of us. Enough water has flown in Roshi since start of the KU movement. He can resort to vandalism, mobilising dreaded goons, corrupt siblings and even employ officials of KU. This is the conclusion of KU movement. Because of his highhandedness, KU movement has first martyr in Late Buddhi Bahadur Bishwokarma. And this is what instituionalised the KU movement.

In view of such institutionalised opposition and revealation of his bloodthirsty façade, Suesh Raj’s mumbo-jumbo is a pointer to something. This relates with certain thing that is amiss today in present day Nepal. And that is, of course, display of common sense amongst most of the bureaucrats, politicians and ruling elites of Nepal. Given their intellectual abilities, we can not say that these many peoples are devoid of any common sense. They have tremendous common sense. But, this is subject to certain conditions. Common sense of our ruling class never confronts with Mafias who are capable of doing anything from distributing money to academic positions. As Suresh Raj is an academic Mafia holding the entire academia at ransom, our elites have not bothered to book him and proceed legally against his highhandedness in KU. Instead, they have become meeker such that Suresh Raj is now emboldened to stake his claim on VCship of KU till his death.

Worshippers of Suresh Raj may claim that he is endowed with great deal of vision and all others in Nepal are impressed with it. We agree with this. But, our disagreement is on using word “vision.” We think that it should rather be replaced by his “Master Plan.”Master Plan of Suresh Raj is 3-pronged strategy which consists of;
(1) imposing his disgusting leadership while curtailing emerging leaderships,
(2) imposing Nepotism in KU to cover up his corruption, and
(3) pleasing politicians to thwart external intervention.
No where in the world, a man remained VC so long. It happens only in KU. According to Suresh Raj’s masterplan, continuity is difficult if there are irrestible contenders. So, to prevent irrestibility of the contenders, he generally resorts to certain gimmicks.

Inspite of bad character, Pushpa Raj was initially thought to be man with some mission in KU. He fought against Suresh Raj quite well. But when Suresh Raj hit back at him using his Nepotism Party in KU, Pushpa Raj simply cowered. He could not take it easily when rumours started flying thick that he abuses his wife. Whether Pushpa Raj was agressor in the domestic violence was not known to us, but it was also bandied around that he was tamed by his wife when she puched him back in one of the domestic brawls. The story begins with Pushpa Raj’s dreaded persona but unexpectedly ends with his domestication. Besides, Suresh Raj’s nepotism party started finding out secondary flaw in Pushpa Raj that he spends most of the time sipping tea in Dhakal’s or Thapa’s hotels. When offensives started to give results, Suresh Raj dangled the carrot in front of Pushpa Raj. And Pushpa Raj accepted it while backstabbing long-time mentor, colleague and co-activist against Nepotism and corruption. This is the first victory of Suresh Raj’s master plan which completely domesticated Pushpa Raj both in his personal life and in official life.

How successful the first part of the Master Plan is not complete without mentioning Suresh Raj’s viciousness against some others because Pushpa Raj is not the one who is emerging leader of KU. Pushpa Raj is merely a lowly thug who will be happy when he gets his share of the pie. He can rather be considered as a pawn who was set against real emerging leadership. So, after getting inside Suresh Raj’s group, Pushpa Raj started planting stories against his former mentor. And everyone of us knows very well, how and why Suresh Raj attacked the real emerging leadership in the beginning of KU movement. What they said, spoke and wrote is present before all of us and all these are reflections of what Suresh Raj is doing to thwart potential candidates. Suresh Raj can attack personal integrity, personal character, ability to work and many other things. To contain opposition against him, he can take the lives of people. This is how the first part of the master plan looks successful presently.
Regarding second part of the master plan, my previous post has highlighted why Suresh Raj is systematically brining in relatives in KU. He is giving jobs to his relatives in KU in exchange of their unflinching loyalty and vow to cover up his corruption in KU. Nepotism in academia sounds disgusting but not in a corruption laden ones. In corrupt academia, nepotism is indispensable for wrongdoers. Mukunda, Kumar, Navendra and many others are there in startegic position to conceal, hide and cover up irregularities. So far, with these secret agents remaining in tact in position, second part of the master plan too appears a bit successful.
The most important part of the master plan is the last one. Suresh Raj’s continuity and all other illnesses of KU hinges on this part. With total domination within KU, Suresh Raj need not to fear anything except external attacks. In his opinion, governmental intervention in shoddy state of affairs is what constitutes the external attacks. And how to prevent interventions has many sub-strategies like creating opinion in public, generating goodwill amongst politicians and bribing the ones who matters.

Suresh Raj writes regularly in newspapers and he has constantly advocated for the role of private sector in education. His advocacy of private sector in education covers entire academia from kindergardens to higher secondary board. He has cited instances of better quality by private sector but never he has spoken a single word against Mafia Raj of private sector. He talks and talks about quality but he never mentions deprived teachers, exploited staffs and underfed students. Consequently, he has a good deal of admirers from private sector and some of them paste Suresh Raj’s articles in their notice boards also. A general opinion given by Suresh Raj regarding private sector is that they are quality conscious. How much quality private sector has imparted to Nepal’s education system is debatable, but his opinions have generated great deal of goodwill in his favour. From industrialists to non residential moneybags have spoken one or two good words about Suresh Raj and this has helped to generate goodwill amongst the politicians.

Apart from goodwill because of someone else’s spoken words, politicians of Nepal like Suresh Raj very much because he is at their beck and calls. Whenever they have to ask for admission in Engineering, Medicine and other colleges, Suresh Raj has never denied them. So, giving admissions and taking responsibility of graduating lovely sons and daughters of our politicians and their relatives has generated tremendous goodwill for Suresh Raj. When these concessions alone could not make the politicians friendly with him, Suresh Raj relies on his network. Mainly, it is Sitaram who is known to have hosted parties for ministers. Like Nepali prime-ministers, who go to India on their first visits, after swearing in, most of the education ministers in Nepal invariably dines at parties hosted by Sitaram. With army of Kangressis invited by Sitaram’s relatives, ministers generally find both Suresh Raj and Sitaram politically correct and doing their good jobs. And in these parties, Sitaram sometimes hands over their “donations” also. No body hates people who are providing means of sustenance and there is no chance why our politicians dislike Suresh Raj of KU.

With this master plan, Suresh Raj has successfully entrenched his position in KU and confident of his abilities, he is now going for implementing his “VISION 2013.” Because of inactions of government and security agencies in starting investigation in official harrassment triggered suicide of Buddhi Bahadur Biswakarma, Suresh Raj is getting more emboldened. Anybody, who aspires to dislodge Suresh Raj from KU, needs to carefully think of his master plan. Without defeating his master plan, we can never defeat Suresh Raj and with him continuing in KU, nepotism, corruption, deaths and terminations of the emplyees are likely to be norm of the day in KU.
In view of such institutionalised opposition and revealation of his bloodthirsty façade, Suesh Raj’s mumbo-jumbo is a pointer to something. This relates with certain thing that is amiss today in present day Nepal. And that is, of course, display of common sense amongst most of the bureaucrats, politicians and ruling elites of Nepal. Given their intellectual abilities, we can not say that these many peoples are devoid of any common sense. They have tremendous common sense. But, this is subject to certain conditions. Common sense of our ruling class never confronts with Mafias who are capable of doing anything from distributing money to academic positions. As Suresh Raj is an academic Mafia holding the entire academia at ransom, our elites have not bothered to book him and proceed legally against his highhandedness in KU. Instead, they have become meeker such that Suresh Raj is now emboldened to stake his claim on VCship of KU till his death.
Worshippers of Suresh Raj may claim that he is endowed with great deal of vision and all others in Nepal are impressed with it. We agree with this. But, our disagreement is on using word “vision.” We think that it should rather be replaced by his “Master Plan.”Master Plan of Suresh Raj is 3-pronged strategy which consists of;
(1) imposing his disgusting leadership while curtailing emerging leaderships,
(2) imposing Nepotism in KU to cover up his corruption, and
(3) pleasing politicians to thwart external intervention.
No where in the world, a man remained VC so long. It happens only in KU. According to Suresh Raj’s masterplan, continuity is difficult if there are irrestible contenders. So, to prevent irrestibility of the contenders, he generally resorts to certain gimmicks.
Inspite of bad character, Pushpa Raj was initially thought to be man with some mission in KU. He fought against Suresh Raj quite well. But when Suresh Raj hit back at him using his Nepotism Party in KU, Pushpa Raj simply cowered. He could not take it easily when rumours started flying thick that he abuses his wife. Whether Pushpa Raj was agressor in the domestic violence was not known to us, but it was also bandied around that he was tamed by his wife when she puched him back in one of the domestic brawls. The story begins with Pushpa Raj’s dreaded persona but unexpectedly ends with his domestication. Besides, Suresh Raj’s nepotism party started finding out secondary flaw in Pushpa Raj that he spends most of the time sipping tea in Dhakal’s or Thapa’s hotels. When offensives started to give results, Suresh Raj dangled the carrot in front of Pushpa Raj. And Pushpa Raj accepted it while backstabbing long-time mentor, colleague and co-activist against Nepotism and corruption. This is the first victory of Suresh Raj’s master plan which completely domesticated Pushpa Raj both in his personal life and in official life.
How successful the first part of the Master Plan is not complete without mentioning Suresh Raj’s viciousness against some others because Pushpa Raj is not the one who is emerging leader of KU. Pushpa Raj is merely a lowly thug who will be happy when he gets his share of the pie. He can rather be considered as a pawn who was set against real emerging leadership. So, after getting inside Suresh Raj’s group, Pushpa Raj started planting stories against his former mentor. And everyone of us knows very well, how and why Suresh Raj attacked the real emerging leadership in the beginning of KU movement. What they said, spoke and wrote is present before all of us and all these are reflections of what Suresh Raj is doing to thwart potential candidates. Suresh Raj can attack personal integrity, personal character, ability to work and many other things. To contain opposition against him, he can take the lives of people. This is how the first part of the master plan looks successful presently.
Regarding second part of the master plan, my previous post has highlighted why Suresh Raj is systematically brining in relatives in KU. He is giving jobs to his relatives in KU in exchange of their unflinching loyalty and vow to cover up his corruption in KU. Nepotism in academia sounds disgusting but not in a corruption laden ones. In corrupt academia, nepotism is indispensable for wrongdoers. Mukunda, Kumar, Navendra and many others are there in startegic position to conceal, hide and cover up irregularities. So far, with these secret agents remaining in tact in position, second part of the master plan too appears a bit successful.
The most important part of the master plan is the last one. Suresh Raj’s continuity and all other illnesses of KU hinges on this part. With total domination within KU, Suresh Raj need not to fear anything except external attacks. In his opinion, governmental intervention in shoddy state of affairs is what constitutes the external attacks. And how to prevent interventions has many sub-strategies like creating opinion in public, generating goodwill amongst politicians and bribing the ones who matters.
Suresh Raj writes regularly in newspapers and he has constantly advocated for the role of private sector in education. His advocacy of private sector in education covers entire academia from kindergardens to higher secondary board. He has cited instances of better quality by private sector but never he has spoken a single word against Mafia Raj of private sector. He talks and talks about quality but he never mentions deprived teachers, exploited staffs and underfed students. Consequently, he has a good deal of admirers from private sector and some of them paste Suresh Raj’s articles in their notice boards also. A general opinion given by Suresh Raj regarding private sector is that they are quality conscious. How much quality private sector has imparted to Nepal’s education system is debatable, but his opinions have generated great deal of goodwill in his favour. From industrialists to non residential moneybags have spoken one or two good words about Suresh Raj and this has helped to generate goodwill amongst the politicians.
Apart from goodwill because of someone else’s spoken words, politicians of Nepal like Suresh Raj very much because he is at their beck and calls. Whenever they have to ask for admission in Engineering, Medicine and other colleges, Suresh Raj has never denied them. So, giving admissions and taking responsibility of graduating lovely sons and daughters of our politicians and their relatives has generated tremendous goodwill for Suresh Raj. When these concessions alone could not make the politicians friendly with him, Suresh Raj relies on his network. Mainly, it is Sitaram who is known to have hosted parties for ministers. Like Nepali prime-ministers, who go to India on their first visits, after swearing in, most of the education ministers in Nepal invariably dines at parties hosted by Sitaram. With army of Kangressis invited by Sitaram’s relatives, ministers generally find both Suresh Raj and Sitaram politically correct and doing their good jobs. And in these parties, Sitaram sometimes hands over their “donations” also. No body hates people who are providing means of sustenance and there is no chance why our politicians dislike Suresh Raj of KU.
With this master plan, Suresh Raj has successfully entrenched his position in KU and confident of his abilities, he is now going for implementing his “VISION 2013.” Because of inactions of government and security agencies in starting investigation in official harrassment triggered suicide of Buddhi Bahadur Biswakarma, Suresh Raj is getting more emboldened. Anybody, who aspires to dislodge Suresh Raj from KU, needs to carefully think of his master plan. Without defeating his master plan, we can never defeat Suresh Raj and with him continuing in KU, nepotism, corruption, deaths and terminations of the emplyees are likely to be norm of the day in KU.
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