Sunday, April 01, 2007

Untimely departure

Despite his tremendous greed, Suresh Raj can not now decorate VCship of KU for the 4th term. Recent revealings of his corruption in this blog, besides charges of high-handedness, seems to have taken its toll. KU sources has informed that VC Suresh Raj Sharma has ultimately succeded on his 4th attempt. Distric administration of Dhulikhel, Local police administration and KU administration all have unanimously concluded that it is suicide and suicide only.

With tremendous loss of Suresh Raj Sharma, Nepali politicians, Bureaucrats, Educationists, and all other corrupt peoples are in a state of shock. Former ministers Khum Bahadur Khadaka, Govinda Raj Joshi, Bam Dev Gautam, Bhim Rawal, Madhav Kumar Nepal and Sujata Koirala all have reached Dhulikhel and paid their tributes to Suresh Raj Sharma. Talking with media people outside his residence, all the political leaders lamented over untimely demise of Suresh Raj Sharma and they claimed that they have lost a guardian and leading light of Nepali fraternity of Corruption and Nepotism. Sujata further stressed that her father PM G.P.Koirala has basically emulated Suresh Raj's KU model in imposing her leadership in Nepali Congress.

On the other hand, KU's corrupt administrators,namely Sitaram, Bhadra Man, Pushpa Raj and Mukunda have been admitted in KUMS becasue of various complaints of chest pain and headaches. CIAA accused Jalan Kumar and Madan Raj Sharma and other relatives of Suresh Raj have already reached Dhulikhel to perform last rites of Suresh Raj Sharma. In his honour, local mandales of Dhulkhel are being mobilised by former member of Raj Sabaha Mr. Bel Prasad Shrestha to pay their tributes to Suresh Raj by demonstrating their lathi,Khukhuri, Talwaar and Bhalas.

We,at ChangeinKU, express our profound sympathies with the family members of Suresh Raj and request them not to follow Suresh Raj's path in KU and to exercise restrain in this hour of loss in perpetuating Nepotism and corruption in KU.


Anonymous said...

As you sow, so you reap. In Nepali, Badharnu parne Kasinger aafai Okharpauwako Dumping site ma pugechha.

Anonymous said...

सुरेशराजको चौथो प्रयास हो र? पहिलो तिनवटा प्रयास कहिले भएका थिए नी? थाहा हुने हरुले भनम है, जे होस बितिसके छ्न, अब के दुर्गुण केलाउने, नत्र
हाम्रो पनि भन्न केही थियो|

Anonymous said...

This means Suresh Raj could not enjoy fruits of his ill-gotten wealth. All other corrupt people, who impose Nepotism, must learn from his untimely demise. No body carries ill-gotten wealth with him/her.

Suresh Raj, RIP.