Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Real Faces: Upendra Yadav and Suresh Raj Sharma

Some friends comment that we should not compare Suresh Raj with Upendra Yadav. In their opinion, Suresh Raj is more disgusting than Upendra Yadav. They feel that whatever Suresh Raj did in KU is for the sake of his family and whatever Upendra Yadav is doing is for good cause. So, commenters are not wrong. They are partly right. They are right that Suresh Raj is cruel, extremely selfish element such that he would not hesitate to kill other Nepalis in order to perpetuate his family rule in KU. And this is where we are also right, because irrespective of whatever Upendra Yadav has done for Madhesh and Madheshis, he is today known more as a bloodthirsty low-level criminal rather than a politician.

True academics rather quit academia instead of coloring his/her hands with some innocent staff’s blood. Similarly, true politicians would rather quit politics instead of whipping up communal frenzy and victimizing unaware citizens of this communal hatred. So, neither Suresh Raj is a true academics nor Upendra Yadav is a real politicians. Both of these lowly creatures thrive on hate and hatred. Suresh Raj hates every upright faculty and he hates every individual who is not corrupt. Suresh Raj thinks that he is the main arbiter to decide who will stay in KU and who will not. When some one points out his gross mistakes in KU, Suresh Raj even goes as far as issuing morally downgrading and highly insulting remarks. And when someone demands organizational rights and rights to expression, first he collects local mandales and try to thrash the protagonists. If it does not work, he goes to the extent of using his official machinery in KU to in-source capabilities of some dubious mandales to mentally harass long-standing staffs to commit suicide.

On the other hand, Upendra Yadav hates everyone who is not ready to accept him as a messiah of Madhesh. He thinks that he took birth with entire Madhesh and like Gyanendra he is the chosen one to decide who stays in Madhesh and who does not. When someone points out highhandedness of his people, he simply terms it as reporting of biased Pahadia media. Nepalis living in Terai are in his hit list because they are not likely to vote him and they are not likely to subscribe to his notions. Madheshis needs rights and no body objects to it. But, he thinks that Madheshis would never get rights unless other Nepalis are evicted out from Madhesh. So, to evict out other Nepalis, he sometimes attacks journalists, and sometimes attacks very poor Nepalis. When some other entities dares to take on him and his grotesque organization, mindset and program, he uses his royalist, and Indian connections to out-source dreaded criminals to rape, mutilate and chase to death unarmed Nepalis.

Why Suresh Raj has so much to share with Upendra Yadav is an eye-opener. It is an eye-opener to the fact that Mandales and Royalists all over the world share the common trait. That is to worship the king and kill other Nepalis, make the lives of other Nepalis difficult and control one’s bastion with iron-grip. It is true that Suresh Raj is in academia and Upendra Yadav is in politics. Then, question arises how these two people might have been working in tandem. In order to understand that we need to understand the certain practices of Mandale politics.

Every time there is democracy in Nepal, Royalists try to maintain status quo. To maintain status quo, they try to prevent radical changes. If radical changes are effected, Monarchy will be gone forever. So, they foment troubles everywhere. Sometimes they give highly communal calls like dividing the nation; sometimes they incite their royalist vice-chancellors to throttle the voices of the supporters of Lokatantra. Though these two incidents look separate and not at all related to each other, there is common theme running in both these actions. Fomenting troubles by creating volatile groups preaching separatism generall exasperates people because of unnecessary and untimely demands. And at the same time, tyranny and ruthlessness of vice-chancellors manipulates the situation so dexterously that ordinary mortals start feeling dejected. The former actively works towards creating troubles while the latter tacitly works towards providing intellectual legitimacy against change. With both troubles and intellectual reasons justifying these troubles, people start loosing hopes of new ray and a real change. And the end result; the royalist or mandales prevents radical change in the nation while letting the same feudal remnants to call the shots.

Upendra Yadav, after 2nd address of Prime minister must have waited till CA election. If he were not criminal element and not acting at the instructions of Royal palace, he would have waited till CA election and got the mandate of Madheshis. Then, he could have made whatever constitution he wanted. But, he did not do that because his interests have never been supporting the cause of Madhesh. His interests were to support king Gyanendra and to save his chair by making people disillusioned and by driving a wedge in 8 party alliance.

Exactly, Suresh Raj, too, should have accepted the demands of KUSA and KUPA, stuck to the agreement and involved KUSA and KUPA in the state of affairs of KU. If Suresh Raj were an honest academician, he should never worry about participation of other members in senate and executive council. Had Suresh Raj done so, every body would have said that he is a real sadhu. But, becoming sadhu is not his main interest. His main interest is to resort to corruption, nepotism in addition to supporting king Gyanendra. So, he did not honor his agreement; rather backtracked from it and started to kill people as people refused to budge form their stance. Definitely, Suresh Raj wants to save his chair unlike Upendra, who wants to save Gyanendra, but both of them are saving respective symbols of feudalism because this allows them to satisate their unbriddled hunger and desire for more money.

Both Upendra Yadav and Suresh Raj Sharma are deranged mandales who have no respect for other’s voices and lives. To satisfy their egos and greed, they can stoop to any level. Till KU movement, we did not see the real face of Suresh Raj and till Madhesh movement; we did not see the real face of Upendra Yadav. Movements are good, even though we loose our loved ones, in that it reveals the real faces of the criminals in our academic, political, financial, economic and social fields. Having seen the real faces of both Suresh Raj Sharma and Upendra Yadav, it is the need of the hour for everyone including civil society, political parties and Nepal government to think of arresting these people to bring out the truth and do justice with the departed ones. This will only be our true heartfelt condolence to the martyrs of KU and martyrs of Gaur.

(Sketch: Based on sketch on Page 11, Nepali Times, 23-28 March 2007, No. 341)


Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Dubai jana gadha, hatyara ho. photo ramro chha.

Anonymous said...

Comment on Upendra Yadav, after 2nd address of Prime minister must have waited till CA election. If he were not criminal element and not acting at the instructions of Royal palace, he would have waited till CA election and got the mandate of Madheshis. Then, he could have made whatever constitution he wanted. But, he did not do that because his interests have never been supporting the cause of Madhesh. His interests were to support king Gyanendra and to save his chair by making people disillusioned and by driving a wedge in 8 party alliance.

What the hell has Pahari rulers given to madhesi. You Bastered , always go on speaking. Who gave you right to blam on other one. Do you think madhesi to be your asshole, who need your support. can u explain, what Girija have given to madhesi, after blood of 38 madhesi? Why was 38 people killed. Who the bastered was that, to take life of 38 people .

Girija has not given a single thing after 2nd address or amendment.

Why should madhesi stop for CA. Why there is differential is the state behavior. By Democracy defination, one person means, one vote for CA. Then why was not there proportional represntation. You gave only by mouth, where is the deeds. Its in the process. After 38 people died, its still in the process.

Why shouls ll the statement start with" madhesi have genuine problems"m and ends with "but". What the hell is the justification for less than 1% madhesi in Army.

You pahari loves King more than anyone else. What to retain King at any cost, closed in a cage. If not so, why was not there any prosecution for king? Why is so he special?

See your double standard, you like to punish one HM for 19 killing, but don't want to question the killing of 38 + 29 killing from the another HM.

Its all bullshit.

You blogger, its good to write, but be in limit. Use brain, while raising fingure on others. No one will stop, if you are raising on on. So, first see your face in mirrow, before maligning other. Madhesi is madhesi, and there is no justification for not giving "Pure Nepali" certificate to 5 millions madhesi, and making them leave on their faith, due to a palm size piece of paper.

Please think your double standard, while raising madhesi issue.

what the hell 60 police was doing when maoist was showing bullying in Gaur? Who gave moral right to maosit to Kill 13000 people, and then being welcomed with Ministry in singha darbar? Who the hell maosit is to stop madhesi to organize peaceful protest every where, lahan, janakpur, Birjung, Nepalgunj? What the hell police is supporting them, instead of punishing them for law breaking?

All SPA, Maoist , King are baster of same school, trying to muzzle Madhesi.

If you have hate for king, throw him out, madhesi is more sufferer of them since 1950's. But you want king in cage for all your justification in the name of "regressive force" and "grand conspiracy".

When known force all doing all the wrong things, then only hidden force are to be blammed " conspiracy".

Anonymous said...

Comment on Upendra Yadav, after 2nd address of Prime minister must have waited till CA election. If he were not criminal element and not acting at the instructions of Royal palace, he would have waited till CA election and got the mandate of Madheshis. Then, he could have made whatever constitution he wanted. But, he did not do that because his interests have never been supporting the cause of Madhesh. His interests were to support king Gyanendra and to save his chair by making people disillusioned and by driving a wedge in 8 party alliance.

What the hell has Pahari rulers given to madhesi. You Bastered , always go on speaking. Who gave you right to blam on other one. Do you think madhesi to be your asshole, who need your support. can u explain, what Girija have given to madhesi, after blood of 38 madhesi? Why was 38 people killed. Who the bastered was that, to take life of 38 people .

Girija has not given a single thing after 2nd address or amendment.

Why should madhesi stop for CA. Why there is differential is the state behavior. By Democracy defination, one person means, one vote for CA. Then why was not there proportional represntation. You gave only by mouth, where is the deeds. Its in the process. After 38 people died, its still in the process.

Why shouls ll the statement start with" madhesi have genuine problems"m and ends with "but". What the hell is the justification for less than 1% madhesi in Army.

You pahari loves King more than anyone else. What to retain King at any cost, closed in a cage. If not so, why was not there any prosecution for king? Why is so he special?

See your double standard, you like to punish one HM for 19 killing, but don't want to question the killing of 38 + 29 killing from the another HM.

Its all bullshit.

You blogger, its good to write, but be in limit. Use brain, while raising fingure on others. No one will stop, if you are raising on on. So, first see your face in mirrow, before maligning other. Madhesi is madhesi, and there is no justification for not giving "Pure Nepali" certificate to 5 millions madhesi, and making them leave on their faith, due to a palm size piece of paper.

Please think your double standard, while raising madhesi issue.

what the hell 60 police was doing when maoist was showing bullying in Gaur? Who gave moral right to maosit to Kill 13000 people, and then being welcomed with Ministry in singha darbar? Who the hell maosit is to stop madhesi to organize peaceful protest every where, lahan, janakpur, Birjung, Nepalgunj? What the hell police is supporting them, instead of punishing them for law breaking?

All SPA, Maoist , King are baster of same school, trying to muzzle Madhesi.

If you have hate for king, throw him out, madhesi is more sufferer of them since 1950's. But you want king in cage for all your justification in the name of "regressive force" and "grand conspiracy".

When known force all doing all the wrong things, then only hidden force are to be blammed " conspiracy".

See your face in mirror twice, before raising fingure on anyone else.