Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Suresh Raj! Stop Hatching Conspiracy

Black clouds of uncertainties and suspicions have overcast the academic horizons of KU making it absolutely impossible for teachers, staffs and students to perceive what is going to happen in the immediate future. In a situation when the members of dominant ruling group are reaping benefits by nepotism, corruption and other misdeeds; the acts of present leadership have become more dangerous after untimely death of Late Buddhi Bahadur Bishwakarma. It is no more a controversial issue now that Suresh Raj and Bhola Thapa are the ones responsible for this death. But unfortunately, there have been clear indications that the present government, political party leaderships including the Maoists are either not serious in getting the accused behind the bar or are being influenced by thick wad of notes submitted by Suresh Raj, Sitaram, and their groups.

More alarming is the apathy of district administration, fourth estate and other civil society leaders who did not even give their voice of support to start fair investigation on this issue. So, knowingly or unknowingly, every one appears to have given a kind of reprieve to both Suresh Raj Sharma and Bhola Thapa in Buddhi Bahadur Official harassment triggered suicide case. The so-called journalists and media houses who have received professorships, enrollments in medical and engineering and other largesses like monetary benefits should have at least taken note of this incident in KU. Few months back, how some journalists tried to brush down unique problems in KU as personal problems is well known to all of us.

But, today, one member of Dalit community has already been killed because of politics of Suresh Raj in KU, and these journalists are no where in scene. On the other hand, Suresh Raj and Bhola Thapa are busy circulating rumors of Buddhi's untimely death as a death of a mentally unstable employee. No mentally unstable person can ever continue his job in KU. KU regulations has clauses that automatically terminates jobs on this basis. But to confuse and divert attention of public to prevent independent probe and investigation, they are even making travesty of KU rules. And the media in Nepal has helped Suresh Raj by not mentioning this even in inside pages. This shows that apart from inducements and benefits, there are certain things inside us which make us biased.

Certain faculty has challenged Suresh Raj to fire him. And here also, Suresh Raj is hatching conspiracy instead of accepting the challenge and firing on the ground of indiscipline. Under tremendous pressure from his lovely daughter, Suresh Raj is reportedly invoking certain clauses of KU regulations to sack that faculty. Blinded by daughter's demands, Suresh Raj may do so. He is in power and he can invoke any regulation he wishes for satisfying his murderous instinct. But, debatable point is;

will Suresh Raj fire any faculty for writing blogs?
issuing challenges through blogs?

Given his cunning mindset, We do not think that Suresh Raj would ever take this step. Firstly, this goes against the norm of academia. Academia thrives on dissent, criticisms and challenges. Suresh Raj himself has dissented quite frequently. He has criticized many of the academic practices in Nepal. He has written long articles in his own English and tried to impress Nepalis that he is a writing Vice-chancellor. And we have seen reactions of other academics also. So, when he is practicing this art of writing on popular outlets, there are very few chances that he would try to throttle another voic in KU for similar reasons.

So, then what could be the game plan of Suresh Raj? Suresh Raj will do anything from cooking up some stories to using corrupt judiciary also. In Judiciary also, the CD episode has clearly shown that there are many like Suresh Raj over there. Suresh Raj gets money by releasing construction deals, buying deals and affiliation, but our judges get it through releasing Robinson, Govinda Raj and Khum Bahadur. But, in both the cases there are evidences of their crimes. In case of Suresh Raj, the statements of deceased Buddhi Bahadur's wife unfailingly zeroes on in Suresh Raj's regime and in case of our venerable judges, the records of conversation fingers at the top judge of the land. With such similarity and like mindedness, what Suresh Raj needs is to have a bridge to connect two corrupt icons and that is also there in place.

There are enough grounds for any conspirator like Suresh Raj to move ahead and execute his vengeful planning for opposing him through net. Past incidents has shown that Suresh Raj can even physically terminate his critics. But, how long Suresh Raj? People are seeing through your games. Till yesterday, you used to be adulated in Nepal. Are you sure that you get same adulations and praises now? Definitely, because of our tireless efforts, your real face is revealed and people are realizing what a low grade, disgusting person you are. And one more incident in KU, people will not hesitate to give their verdict against you. In this situation, hatching conspiracies may also not save you. So, all these things are temporary phenomenon only . If there is anybody in KU who has to loose, then it is you and your family and group of relatives only. Time is a medicine for everything and present wounds of KU will also be healed. Let us just wait for the day.

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