An Interview with Dr. Sameer Mani Dixit
Dear Readers,
We are indeed very happy to inform you that we have conducted an interview with Dr. Sameer Mani Dixit, General Secretary of KUPA. Under his dynamic leadership, the recent movement in KU ultimately forced the despotic leadership of Suresh Raj Sharma to buckle down and accept KUPA as a legitimate organization of the faculty members of KU. Please find the interview with Dr. Dixit below.
(Opinions reflected here are his own (Dr. Sameer Mani Dixit's) and as such should not be taken as those of KUPA as an association)
BMC: Dr. Dixit, can you please inform us about your past association with KU?
Dr. Dixit: I joined KU end of May 2004, three months after coming back home to Nepal after handing in my PhD thesis in Australia. I initially worked as a Lecturer in the then Dept of Biological Sciences and later as an Assistant Professor in the newly formed Dept of Biotechnology from 2005. Prior to this I had never heard of Kathmandu University. I only heard about KU through my father and also my uncle, Mr. Kamal Mani Dixit, once I came back from Australia as a place to pass on my knowledge in the area of biotechnology.
BMC: What is your impression of KU? What is your impression of Suresh Raj and Sitaram?
Dr. Dixit: There is no doubt in my mind that KU has potential to be a leading university in South Asia. However, having worked here for more than two years, my feeling is that the current authorities are gloating too much over all the achievements of the last 15 odd years but not putting too much thought about the next fifteen. KU students in my opinion are as brilliant as students in any good university in the world but they are still suppressed in voicing their opinions and thoughts. A good university should allow for freedom of voicing one’s opinion, however different that might be from that of the top administration. Along the same line, academics and staff here are highly oppressed- what I mean is that freedom of speech, opinion and the right to disagree is very limited here. A good university should not be run like a boarding school.
Regarding the two gentlemen mentioned above, I must say I expected a lot more from both in terms of their ability to solve problems constructively and quickly. The last three and half months have shown me that even highly respected people have their ugly sides.
BMC: Why are you active in KUPA?
Dr. Dixit: It is not just me that is active in KUPA. There are at least 60 other colleagues who are equally active.
In my case, I became involved with forming an association that looks after the rights and welfare of academics of KU about 5 months ago. This came about as a result of observing and experiencing a large number of inadequacies at KU in terms of administrative, academic and interpersonal irregularities. It was a shock to hear for the first time that top administration at KU cringed at the idea of any kind of organization within the university. The country had just undergone major historical change in the form of Janaandolan 2063 which allowed all Nepalis access to organizations to look after their rights and welfare- yet, in the district of Kavre, an organization by the name of KU was still active in suppressing the voice of its employees and students! I suppose my family background (members of my family have always fought for justice) allowed me to come to the forefront a bit sooner than expected. Fritz Gerlich once said that “the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” This might be a bit too strong in the context of KU, and I certainly don’t mean to say that our administrators should be equated to Hitler, but the bottom line is that if everyone keeps quiet all the time, irregularities will continue to occur.
BMC: Suresh Raj is saying that KUPA is not legal. Do you agree with Suresh Raj?
Dr. Dixit: He would be right if we were still in Panchayati Era where organizations were looked down upon and even banned. In the present context, Nepal’s constitution has given us the fundamental right to form associations in our place of work. This is even truer in context of the great Janaandolan of 2063. KU’s constitution cannot be above that of the country. Therefore, our VC should refrain from making such comments.
BMC: Suresh Raj is spreading rumors that you want to make your father the VC of KU and for that you are trying to destabilize him. Comments Please.
Dr. Dixit: I heard this along the grapevine some time back. If he did indeed make such comments, then I feel sorry for Dr. Sharma for stooping this low to protect himself. Especially in the context that my father has a lot of respect for him. If my father were to hear this kind of accusations against him by Dr. Sharma, he would be disappointed. Dr. Sundar Mani Dixit has continues to be approached for far higher and lucrative positions because of his honesty, his values and principles. He was a key person in the establishment of BPKIH Dharan where he worked one term as Director (comparable to VC), and retired after his first tenure so that some one else had a chance to take up his position and continue to make a difference. I wish our VC would follow his footsteps rather than spreading such false and baseless rumors.
BMC: Why Suresh Raj is slandering dignified personalities of Civil Society?
Dr. Dixit: I cannot answer that question. He is the only person who can answer that. In fact, I want to ask him the same question. We are all surprised that he would hit below the belt when cornered.
BMC: How do you vision the evolution of KU?
Dr. Dixit: I can only summarize how I would like to see things progress here. KU needs overall transparency. This pertains to academics and administration. Less should be focused on just teaching and more money and time should be spent on research. Academics should be respected for their work and not for the time spent at University premises, or for the number of years they have worked here. There should be clearly defined criteria for evaluation of both academic and administrative staff. Students should be provided an opportunity to carry out part of their studies overseas as part of student exchange. They should be provided the opportunities to carry out research as much as possible. Individual threats against all staff, academics and students should be a thing of the past. We need to create a healthy working and learning environment for all.
BMC: What had happened at the time of some locals giving protest letter to VC?
Dr. Dixit: A lot of letters have been floating around in recent times from a number of groups. We should not negate the fact that many genuine well wishers of KU are involved in this. I should point out here that we have had the opportunity to meet a number of local inhabitants of this area and they have never been aggressive towards us and have in fact listened to us in a positive way. At the same time, there are certain aggressive elements that have been involved in trying to create an environment of fear amongst staff and students of KU. I have not kept track of all those letters and notices. These things happen in times of agitation.
BMC: It is rumored that VC himself mobilized these locals to submit the memorandum. Is it true?
Dr. Dixit: It is impossible for us (KUPA) to say whether it is true or not. What I can say however is that there are very strong indications that suggest that certain members of the admin may have been involved in this and other cases. Nothing surprises me anymore.
BMC: Why Suresh Raj is dead set against KUPA in KU?
Dr. Dixit: KUPA (and also KUSA now) will look after rights and welfare of its members. This will involve investigating any known irregularities within KU. It will work as a “check and balance” within KU academic-administrative framework in close contact with KUSA. With such a system in place, there will be no place for irregularities in KU in the future. Maybe higher admin doesn’t like the sounds of this. (I won’t even bother going into the preposterous claim that KUPA will invite politics into KU)
BMC: People claim that Suresh Raj wants to be VC of KU for life. What is your assessment?
Dr. Dixit: The last 15 odd years have shown that this certainly appears to be the case. Dr. Sharma hasn’t trained anyone to take up his job responsibilities yet which only leads us to speculate that he intends to stick around for another few years. We would feel a lot more at ease if someone efficient, with fresh ideas, and well liked by peers and employees was currently being trained to take KU ahead as the next VC.
BMC: KUPA has denounced the goondagardi by one corrupt brother of Suresh Raj called Jalan Kumar? Why did Jalan Kumar attack Prof. Kafle?
Dr. Dixit: Yes we brought out a strong notice of dissent regarding the incident. Unlike Mr. Jalan Kumar, we didn’t feel that physically or verbally abusing someone would solve the problem. As for the reason behind Mr. Jalan Kumar’s actions that day, we can only speculate that he blamed Dr. Kafle for KUPA’s activity and that he felt threatened by KUPA. Whenever physical assaults take place, usually the threatened party is involved.
BMC: Can Jalan Kumar attack another professor in KU without assistance of his brother Suresh Raj?
Dr. Dixit: Anyone can see that Mr. Jalan Kumar had backup support. This is KU where stranger and more outrageous things take place amongst the top brass. KUPA will certainly investigate this incident in the near future. Mr. Jalan is already under scrutiny by the national anti corruption panel in the country.
BMC: With these activities of the corrupt brothers, it seems that Suresh Raj would do anything to retain his chair. Is not it so?
Dr. Dixit: It appears to be the case, certainly. At his age, the VC would be far better attending to family and social causes and not be involved in these types of petty wrangles. He writes big value and principle based articles, but as far as the current KU andolan is concerned, he has acted in the opposite manner. Look, he has done a credible job as KU’s VC- the last 15 years have certainly been great for KU’s development. Now it’s time for him to step back and enjoy the scenery. I am not saying he should pack up and leave. He can take up an advisory role and help the next person take KU ahead.
BMC: How KUPA will function in coming days?
KUPA will be a very strong body looking after the rights and welfare of all KU academics. It will work in close liaison with both students and administration in providing a healthy working environment within KU. It will also help academics provide better teaching and research expertise to students. It will look into any irregularities within its jurisdiction and provide the administration information for subsequent action.
BMC: How can KUPA ensure the dignity of the faculties in KU?
As I mentioned in the previous question, KUPA will endeavor to provide a healthy working environment to all academics of KU. This would include educating its members about their rights and how they can go about voicing their concerns. KUPA would take up burning issues regarding individual development that concern all its members and take those to the concerned authorities.
BMC: Why Dr. Borish Niraula was fired?
Dr. Dixit: I believe it was because of his outspoken nature, his aggressive stance regarding democracy and transparency. On the other side, he does tend to ruffle few feathers by his way of speaking and actions, which even we feel are qualities he needs to look into. In one occasion he openly questioned the VC and registrar about their leadership in front of almost all KU faculties. I think that this was the trigger for his job termination. KUPA was not fully organized then to immediately pressure the administration to take back its decision to fire Dr. Niraula. It should be recalled that KUPA was able to pressure the same administration to take back letter of termination it handed to more than 30 KU faculties for participating in KUPA rally just a few months after that incident.
BMC: Should not KU reinstate Dr. Borish Niroula?
Dr. Dixit: Yes. Simply because the process of terminating Dr. Niraula was wrong. To date, the admin has been unable to provide details of why Dr. Niraula was fired. VC keeps repeating that Dr. Niraula’s contract was terminated as per existing rules but the question that keeps repeating over and over again is that why was he allowed to keep working even three months after his contract expired? And why were his termination, renewal and termination instructions all included in one letter? This is certainly suspicious. Also, personal issues aside, which can be looked into later, Dr. Niraula is one of those rare academics at KU who was keenly undertaking student research and bringing in foreign funds. If Dr. Niraula couldn’t teach properly as certain Department Heads claim, then he could have been easily allowed to continue only carrying out scientific research. Research is totally lacking at KU and Dr. Niraula would be the ideal person to fill this vacuum. Once he is reinstated, let the authorities work with an independent commission to investigate whether he is really guilty as charged. If he is indeed found guilty, action can then be taken against him.
BMC: Some faculties like Suresh Bhakta Shrestha has openly claimed that there exists proofs of the corruption of Suresh Raj and Sitaram? Should not Suresh Raj disclose his personal property?
Dr. Dixit: I know that Suresh Sir has claimed this. I also know that a number of long standing faculties of KU have claimed this. I have only worked here for a bit over two years so cannot claim anything in this regard. However, all these respected academics cannot be entirely wrong. Their conviction demands an independent investigation into a number of financial irregularities. If these gentlemen have nothing to hide then they certainly should have no qualms about disclosing details of their personal property.
BMC: Dr. Dixit, can you please inform us about your past association with KU?
Dr. Dixit: I joined KU end of May 2004, three months after coming back home to Nepal after handing in my PhD thesis in Australia. I initially worked as a Lecturer in the then Dept of Biological Sciences and later as an Assistant Professor in the newly formed Dept of Biotechnology from 2005. Prior to this I had never heard of Kathmandu University. I only heard about KU through my father and also my uncle, Mr. Kamal Mani Dixit, once I came back from Australia as a place to pass on my knowledge in the area of biotechnology.
BMC: What is your impression of KU? What is your impression of Suresh Raj and Sitaram?
Dr. Dixit: There is no doubt in my mind that KU has potential to be a leading university in South Asia. However, having worked here for more than two years, my feeling is that the current authorities are gloating too much over all the achievements of the last 15 odd years but not putting too much thought about the next fifteen. KU students in my opinion are as brilliant as students in any good university in the world but they are still suppressed in voicing their opinions and thoughts. A good university should allow for freedom of voicing one’s opinion, however different that might be from that of the top administration. Along the same line, academics and staff here are highly oppressed- what I mean is that freedom of speech, opinion and the right to disagree is very limited here. A good university should not be run like a boarding school.
Regarding the two gentlemen mentioned above, I must say I expected a lot more from both in terms of their ability to solve problems constructively and quickly. The last three and half months have shown me that even highly respected people have their ugly sides.
BMC: Why are you active in KUPA?
Dr. Dixit: It is not just me that is active in KUPA. There are at least 60 other colleagues who are equally active.
In my case, I became involved with forming an association that looks after the rights and welfare of academics of KU about 5 months ago. This came about as a result of observing and experiencing a large number of inadequacies at KU in terms of administrative, academic and interpersonal irregularities. It was a shock to hear for the first time that top administration at KU cringed at the idea of any kind of organization within the university. The country had just undergone major historical change in the form of Janaandolan 2063 which allowed all Nepalis access to organizations to look after their rights and welfare- yet, in the district of Kavre, an organization by the name of KU was still active in suppressing the voice of its employees and students! I suppose my family background (members of my family have always fought for justice) allowed me to come to the forefront a bit sooner than expected. Fritz Gerlich once said that “the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” This might be a bit too strong in the context of KU, and I certainly don’t mean to say that our administrators should be equated to Hitler, but the bottom line is that if everyone keeps quiet all the time, irregularities will continue to occur.
BMC: Suresh Raj is saying that KUPA is not legal. Do you agree with Suresh Raj?
Dr. Dixit: He would be right if we were still in Panchayati Era where organizations were looked down upon and even banned. In the present context, Nepal’s constitution has given us the fundamental right to form associations in our place of work. This is even truer in context of the great Janaandolan of 2063. KU’s constitution cannot be above that of the country. Therefore, our VC should refrain from making such comments.
BMC: Suresh Raj is spreading rumors that you want to make your father the VC of KU and for that you are trying to destabilize him. Comments Please.
Dr. Dixit: I heard this along the grapevine some time back. If he did indeed make such comments, then I feel sorry for Dr. Sharma for stooping this low to protect himself. Especially in the context that my father has a lot of respect for him. If my father were to hear this kind of accusations against him by Dr. Sharma, he would be disappointed. Dr. Sundar Mani Dixit has continues to be approached for far higher and lucrative positions because of his honesty, his values and principles. He was a key person in the establishment of BPKIH Dharan where he worked one term as Director (comparable to VC), and retired after his first tenure so that some one else had a chance to take up his position and continue to make a difference. I wish our VC would follow his footsteps rather than spreading such false and baseless rumors.
BMC: Why Suresh Raj is slandering dignified personalities of Civil Society?
Dr. Dixit: I cannot answer that question. He is the only person who can answer that. In fact, I want to ask him the same question. We are all surprised that he would hit below the belt when cornered.
BMC: How do you vision the evolution of KU?
Dr. Dixit: I can only summarize how I would like to see things progress here. KU needs overall transparency. This pertains to academics and administration. Less should be focused on just teaching and more money and time should be spent on research. Academics should be respected for their work and not for the time spent at University premises, or for the number of years they have worked here. There should be clearly defined criteria for evaluation of both academic and administrative staff. Students should be provided an opportunity to carry out part of their studies overseas as part of student exchange. They should be provided the opportunities to carry out research as much as possible. Individual threats against all staff, academics and students should be a thing of the past. We need to create a healthy working and learning environment for all.
BMC: What had happened at the time of some locals giving protest letter to VC?
Dr. Dixit: A lot of letters have been floating around in recent times from a number of groups. We should not negate the fact that many genuine well wishers of KU are involved in this. I should point out here that we have had the opportunity to meet a number of local inhabitants of this area and they have never been aggressive towards us and have in fact listened to us in a positive way. At the same time, there are certain aggressive elements that have been involved in trying to create an environment of fear amongst staff and students of KU. I have not kept track of all those letters and notices. These things happen in times of agitation.
BMC: It is rumored that VC himself mobilized these locals to submit the memorandum. Is it true?
Dr. Dixit: It is impossible for us (KUPA) to say whether it is true or not. What I can say however is that there are very strong indications that suggest that certain members of the admin may have been involved in this and other cases. Nothing surprises me anymore.
BMC: Why Suresh Raj is dead set against KUPA in KU?
Dr. Dixit: KUPA (and also KUSA now) will look after rights and welfare of its members. This will involve investigating any known irregularities within KU. It will work as a “check and balance” within KU academic-administrative framework in close contact with KUSA. With such a system in place, there will be no place for irregularities in KU in the future. Maybe higher admin doesn’t like the sounds of this. (I won’t even bother going into the preposterous claim that KUPA will invite politics into KU)
BMC: People claim that Suresh Raj wants to be VC of KU for life. What is your assessment?
Dr. Dixit: The last 15 odd years have shown that this certainly appears to be the case. Dr. Sharma hasn’t trained anyone to take up his job responsibilities yet which only leads us to speculate that he intends to stick around for another few years. We would feel a lot more at ease if someone efficient, with fresh ideas, and well liked by peers and employees was currently being trained to take KU ahead as the next VC.
BMC: KUPA has denounced the goondagardi by one corrupt brother of Suresh Raj called Jalan Kumar? Why did Jalan Kumar attack Prof. Kafle?
Dr. Dixit: Yes we brought out a strong notice of dissent regarding the incident. Unlike Mr. Jalan Kumar, we didn’t feel that physically or verbally abusing someone would solve the problem. As for the reason behind Mr. Jalan Kumar’s actions that day, we can only speculate that he blamed Dr. Kafle for KUPA’s activity and that he felt threatened by KUPA. Whenever physical assaults take place, usually the threatened party is involved.
BMC: Can Jalan Kumar attack another professor in KU without assistance of his brother Suresh Raj?
Dr. Dixit: Anyone can see that Mr. Jalan Kumar had backup support. This is KU where stranger and more outrageous things take place amongst the top brass. KUPA will certainly investigate this incident in the near future. Mr. Jalan is already under scrutiny by the national anti corruption panel in the country.
BMC: With these activities of the corrupt brothers, it seems that Suresh Raj would do anything to retain his chair. Is not it so?
Dr. Dixit: It appears to be the case, certainly. At his age, the VC would be far better attending to family and social causes and not be involved in these types of petty wrangles. He writes big value and principle based articles, but as far as the current KU andolan is concerned, he has acted in the opposite manner. Look, he has done a credible job as KU’s VC- the last 15 years have certainly been great for KU’s development. Now it’s time for him to step back and enjoy the scenery. I am not saying he should pack up and leave. He can take up an advisory role and help the next person take KU ahead.
BMC: How KUPA will function in coming days?
KUPA will be a very strong body looking after the rights and welfare of all KU academics. It will work in close liaison with both students and administration in providing a healthy working environment within KU. It will also help academics provide better teaching and research expertise to students. It will look into any irregularities within its jurisdiction and provide the administration information for subsequent action.
BMC: How can KUPA ensure the dignity of the faculties in KU?
As I mentioned in the previous question, KUPA will endeavor to provide a healthy working environment to all academics of KU. This would include educating its members about their rights and how they can go about voicing their concerns. KUPA would take up burning issues regarding individual development that concern all its members and take those to the concerned authorities.
BMC: Why Dr. Borish Niraula was fired?
Dr. Dixit: I believe it was because of his outspoken nature, his aggressive stance regarding democracy and transparency. On the other side, he does tend to ruffle few feathers by his way of speaking and actions, which even we feel are qualities he needs to look into. In one occasion he openly questioned the VC and registrar about their leadership in front of almost all KU faculties. I think that this was the trigger for his job termination. KUPA was not fully organized then to immediately pressure the administration to take back its decision to fire Dr. Niraula. It should be recalled that KUPA was able to pressure the same administration to take back letter of termination it handed to more than 30 KU faculties for participating in KUPA rally just a few months after that incident.
BMC: Should not KU reinstate Dr. Borish Niroula?
Dr. Dixit: Yes. Simply because the process of terminating Dr. Niraula was wrong. To date, the admin has been unable to provide details of why Dr. Niraula was fired. VC keeps repeating that Dr. Niraula’s contract was terminated as per existing rules but the question that keeps repeating over and over again is that why was he allowed to keep working even three months after his contract expired? And why were his termination, renewal and termination instructions all included in one letter? This is certainly suspicious. Also, personal issues aside, which can be looked into later, Dr. Niraula is one of those rare academics at KU who was keenly undertaking student research and bringing in foreign funds. If Dr. Niraula couldn’t teach properly as certain Department Heads claim, then he could have been easily allowed to continue only carrying out scientific research. Research is totally lacking at KU and Dr. Niraula would be the ideal person to fill this vacuum. Once he is reinstated, let the authorities work with an independent commission to investigate whether he is really guilty as charged. If he is indeed found guilty, action can then be taken against him.
BMC: Some faculties like Suresh Bhakta Shrestha has openly claimed that there exists proofs of the corruption of Suresh Raj and Sitaram? Should not Suresh Raj disclose his personal property?
Dr. Dixit: I know that Suresh Sir has claimed this. I also know that a number of long standing faculties of KU have claimed this. I have only worked here for a bit over two years so cannot claim anything in this regard. However, all these respected academics cannot be entirely wrong. Their conviction demands an independent investigation into a number of financial irregularities. If these gentlemen have nothing to hide then they certainly should have no qualms about disclosing details of their personal property.
The best article in this blog and very well answered interview. Applaud to Dr. Dixit.. If all the KUPA and KUSA members really understand what you mean....I don't expect students to understand, anyway they are the most cheated ones :(
..but I simply doubt in KU where your own members had taken advantages of the same structure..abused it and violated all the basics of teaching and learning (..and research?!) ...let alone the lousy rules (in KU) and norms of a good organization that has been continuously violated by those people who seems to be in your side and those on the opposite.
The inner truth of KU's success in 15 years except the first 5 (1992-1997, 1991 is the zero year) years when people really worked hard can be stated in one line:
"...aandho desh ma kaano tanneri." it was just running due to initial intertia.. question is how long it can run?!!
I hope things to become better.. best of luck people!!
Again!! I really liked your answers, not all but many :)
Sameer sir,
Thanks for a matured interview. I am wondering whether Suresh Raj reads your interview. If he reads, I am sure he will learn many things.
Congratulations also
Say something new...old crap....i don't find any visionary thought...all based on personal issue.....with in two years sameer did acheive a lot...and all other ku staff (like bheda) are following him......down with KU...Destry go Sameer..
Dr Dixit,
Wonderful interview and well answered and beautiful words, but you may just be right and also you will have to understand what phases KU has gone through and who brought KU to this status, it is definitely Dr Sharma. I agree there is nepotism in some firm but can you provide me one area in Nepal's context where nepotism in not in practice?
As for KUPA's status, i don’t know much about this but i can only request you to keep politicizing KU, it is only the ONE institute in Nepal that has no effect of Political trauma.
Rest is all on you and your company.
Keep up the good work and keep KU away from Nepal’s politics.
Ku’s Well Wisher
Dr Dixit,
Wonderful interview and well answered and beautiful words, but you may just be right and also you will have to understand what phases KU has gone through and who brought KU to this status, it is definitely Dr Sharma. I agree there is nepotism in some firm but can you provide me one area in Nepal's context where nepotism in not in practice?
As for KUPA's status, i don’t know much about this but i can only request you to keep politicizing KU, it is only the ONE institute in Nepal that has no effect of Political trauma.
Rest is all on you and your company.
Keep up the good work and keep KU away from Nepal’s politics.
Ku’s Well Wisher
Dear Dr. Dixit,
I like your interview. Hope many faculties of KU will follow you and understand your vision.
Great Interview!
Suresh Raj is lowly person. He will do anything for his chair. Sorry to know that he tried to defame Dr. Sundar Mani Dixit also.
Suresh Raj, Everybody is not power hungry like you are.
Sameer sir,
Thanks for nice interview. You have shown great maturity and leadership qualities. Hope to see your emerging leadership in KU.
Very good interview. I was, initially, confused about the KUPA as I was not sure who are leading this organization. After reading this interview, I have come to realize that the organization is at the hands of highly principled personalities like Dr. Dixit. Kudos to Dr. Dixit and all other friends of KUPA for successful KUPA movement.
An Ex-Faculty
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