Thursday, June 29, 2006

Letters to Dr. Sharma

Translated from [Courtesy: Kantipur Vernacular Daily (Reader's Forum) of 29 June]

I have gone through "Saint and Education" by Dr. Suresh Raj Sharma on June 24th. As a moral, he has tried to show that we have no culture of respecting devoted people in our country. Just a couple of days before, we had a grand discussion with Dr. Ramesh Chandra Adhikary on why this country could not give adequate respect to peoples like Pandit Nayaraaj Pant, Yogi Narahari Nath and Dr. Prappannacharya. 5-6 years before when the incumbent home minister, Govidn Raj Joshi, was murmering why nobody comes to give even a single drop of water when policemen were in great agony after the maoists attacks on different districts; I had written that it is because of the wild and cruel behaviour or image on the part of the policemen that is preventing the people to come to their rescue. I just recollect that. Recently, 84 journalists have lamented against the "royal largesse" episode in which the journalists were doled out money to write in favour of then royal government. It frightens me that there are still 127 journalists yet to be disclosed who received money from the ministry of Defence, ministry of Home, Army Headquarter and Police Headquarter. These same journalists receive money from Jigme Singhe Wangchuk, Subhas Ghising, Pawan Chambling and Indian Embassy for different services. If the pandora's box of the royal palace's largesse is opened up, then it will be akin to the of Nepal.

People like Durganath Sharma went vocal in the newspapers. Surya Bahadura Thapa and the twelth player, Lokendra Bahadru Chanda, covered the entire Martysr's Ground. Moreover, Maiti Nepal went on to be the symbol of the ideals. Simiarly, Bharat Keshar became the spokesperson of the Hindu Religion. Khadga Oli became forign minister and the likes of Balaram became housing minister. How many shall I name?: Shall I name Mr. Bishnu Mohan who became Law Minister or Shall I name Jog Mehar Shrestha who became Education minister. Similarly, shall I name Ram Krishna Acharya who became minister for Science and Technology or Rabindra Nath Sharma who became finance minister?

Apart from these, even those administrators who had become zonal chiefs and university vice-chancellors as well as the party leaders started to turn into editors. Moreover, the man who had become prime-minister went onto become the ambassdor and the man who had already become minister went onto become chief of the Timber Corporation.

Party central committee minister becomes state minister and the another simple member of the same party becomes the cabinet minister. Now, will there be anything left if a thick moustached member of parliament becomes pregnant and immidiately goes to death bed and another well-built male becomes the minister of Women?

It is certainly not true that Suresh Raj does not understand anything. Moreover, he is one of the limited but so called educationists of Nepal. Dr. Sharma are not you the one who devised New Education Policy of Nepal? However, I am more saddened when I went through the stories of your nepotism and corruption in Kathmandu University. Therefore, your misdeeds are responsible for creating a culture wherein no body ever respects people like Maunibaba. Because in Nepal, its not only that no post or position is ever given to the deserving candindates, but also there are no minimus requirements for any post/position.

Consequently, the advocate who spent entire life in the court of law and another who spent entire life designing building were made minster for finance. When the professor of mathematics was made vice-chancellor of the scientific institute and people laughed at it, the same professor was heard talking very loud. And the consequences are present before all of us. Because of their misdeeds the country is under the foreign debt totalling NRs. 3 trillion. Every new born Nepali carries a foreign debt of NRs. 15,000 on his tiny shoulders. The country is bankrupt and heading towards the state of a failed nation. Who should shoulder responsibility for this? And you say that we should respect Mauni Baba! What an irony! In this country, it will not make any difference if the sons of martyrs or wives of the political leaders are turned into leader, minister, member of parliament, vice-chancellor or whatever it may be.

When I was doing my Ph.D. in 2050, there was some mention of Mauni baba. I have mentioned about that on my published thesis "History of Nepalis Communist Movement." However, I pray that this good soul should never be hurt because we are the ones who destroyed this culture of respecting such great people. Now, how frequently Dr. Sharma remebers TU where he developed his total personality? Is it not necessary for Dr. Sharma to maintain the culture of remembering his parent organization where he was born?

I think that it was 2055 when two dacoits received Gorkha Dakshin Bahu Third. In 2057, UML expelled joint-secretary of Bara district for his alleged involvement in dacoity. The same year out of 22 government employees who were raided by anti-corruption bureau, 3 of them were decorated with Gorakha Dakshin Bahu. It is quite common place now to have incidents of rape, dacoity and pickpocketing in the disguise of army men or police men. But, how can we respect Bharat Kehsar and Swami Prappanacharya? They are simply active political workers, that of royal palace, covered in yellow garbs. Is there any room for solace? Perhaps these are the reasons why Nepali society could never establish any culture.

Whether it is Madan Prize or Sajha prize or Prithive Pragyan or Bhupal Man Singh Karki Prize?, similarly whether it is Academician or Professor? Minister or Prime-minister? Let us just look at the way. Is there any standard for remuneration or position? Consequently, this have given rise to bad culture amongst the people. A bad culture where no body respects anybody else. Moreover, whoever wins these prizes, we have developed a culture to assume that all they are thugs, sychophants and bootlickers.

Actually, all these are rotten and bad culture and we are all carriers of these bad cultures. There is one saying, history never teaches a man, it simply punishes him. Now we are bearing with the same punichment. The chairman of world hindu federation gets beaten on the street and the state, in turn, handcuffs him. Is it not a punishment? Dr. Sharma you might have turned well over 65, why should not you start the culture from yourself? Without self-emancipation, you can never free others. Today's requirement is self-emancipation. Why should not we start from here? What do you think?

Dr. Surendra K.C.
Associate Professor
TU, Department of History, Kirtipur


When water simmers, it will definitely spill over. This proverb exactly fits Kathmandu University. Since last one month, the current employees as well as the past employees are expressing their utter dissatisfactions over the injustices and highhandedness meted out to them by the KU. I am also one of them who are utterly dissatisfied.
Everybody, who is realted to KU, knows it very well that if they can not upgrade their qualification by one level, they will automatically get removed from KU. On the other hand, if KU provides chances for higher education (within or outside the country) on its own initiative, that teacher can rejoin the service in KU after the completion of his/her studies.

However, in my case, both these are not implemented. After working as lecturer for four years, I manged to secure sholarship on KU's initiave to go to Australia for higher education in 2002. After completing my one and half year duration education, I came back and went to KU in search of my job. Both the vice-chancellor and the Dean fully assured me that they would reinstate me. However, even after a month I did not receive any informatio in that regard and so I went to KU. They told me that they could not reinstate me. But when KU appointed somebody else in my place, I lost all the hopes and beliefs. This happened just one month ago.

Byanjana Sharma
Now: Kirtipur, Kathmandu

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